Changes between Version 29 and Version 30 of codesprint/201106-bolsena

06/19/11 03:55:29 (14 years ago)



  • TabularUnified codesprint/201106-bolsena

    v29 v30  
    7575(Added by Simon 19/06/2011)
    77  * An example on going project is an oceanographic information system involving GeoNetwork and the Kepler Science Workflow project ( We're using Francois' new guiwidgets as the human interface and CSW+ as the programmatic interface between Kepler and GeoNetwork. The development work is not particularly interesting to GeoNetwork developers as it involves adding a CSW client to the Kepler workflow toolset (which will be added to the Kepler module repository once I get round to finishing off the proposal). However, it does demonstrate a way in which the metadata in a GeoNetwork catalog can be searched using CSW to build data source actors in Kepler (eg. data from a database table). Next step is to allow kepler users to create a metadata record that will describe and contain a linkage to their science workflow and upload that to GeoNetwork. Presentation can be found on
     77 * An example on going project is an oceanographic information system involving GeoNetwork and the Kepler Science Workflow project ( We're using Francois' new guiwidgets as the human interface and CSW+ as the programmatic interface between Kepler and GeoNetwork. The development work is not particularly interesting to GeoNetwork developers as it involves adding a CSW client to the Kepler workflow toolset (which will be added to the Kepler module repository once I get round to finishing off the proposal). However, it does demonstrate a way in which the metadata in a GeoNetwork catalog can be searched using CSW to build data source actors in Kepler (eg. data from a database table). It also raises the issue of how a metadata author might store a subset query within the online resource that links to the data or whether such a query should be constructed from service metadata record describing the service that delivers the data? Next step is to allow kepler users to create a metadata record that will describe and contain a linkage to their science workflow and upload that to GeoNetwork. Presentation can be found on
    7979 * Another on going project is the redevelopment of the Australian Spatial Data Directory (ASDD) (see for a test). This is also using Francois' new guiwidgets sandbox. Idea is to redevelop the old ASDD into a new GeoNetwork based tool. guiwidgets approach was chosen because it effectively reduces the number of technologies that a user interface designer needs to know to Javascript and a little XML. The metadata records (approx 21,000 at present) are harvested from around organisations around Australia using the Z3950 harvester. The project uses 2.7 for schema plugin support and guiwidgets.