Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of codesprint/201106-bolsena

04/06/11 19:26:57 (14 years ago)



  • codesprint/201106-bolsena

    v14 v15  
    6565 * JS Widgets :
    6666  * file upload : where we have file upload functions, it would be nice if we provide a drag & drop function instead of the old, old, filechooser -- something like Gmail has it. Of course with perfect degrading for users of certain browsers. A very good one is [ jQuery File Upload]
    67  * i18n : it's a little hell to add a new translation of GeoNetwork. It's not in 1 place where you put some translated strings to i18n keys -- no, all sorts of files including js and xslt files need to be updated. There's no documentation on all the places you need to touch. We shouldn't write that documentation either, now: instead we should make it very much more easy to add a new translation for GeoNetwork.
     67 * i18n : it's a little hell to add a new translation of GeoNetwork. It's not in 1 place where you put some translated strings to i18n keys -- no, all sorts of files including js and sql and xslt files need to be updated. There's no documentation on all the places you need to touch. We shouldn't write that documentation either, now: instead we should make it very much more easy to add a new translation for GeoNetwork.
    6969 * ...