Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of RnD
- Timestamp:
- 06/20/11 09:43:52 (14 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v16 v17 2 2 3 3 This page is a Developer scratch pad for new ideas that could evolve into functionality implemented in the !GeoNetwork software. 4 5 6 7 4 8 5 ||Author||Idea||Comment|| … … 20 17 ||fxprunayre||[wiki:XLinkedFragments]||sub-template mechanism using XLinked fragments|| 21 18 ||heikki||[wiki:MultipleInstancesOfGN Multiple instances of GeoNetwork]||why GeoNetwork cannot be scaled, and suggestions to improve that|| 19 20 These are descriptions of some larger projects that helped !GeoNetwork develop further: 21 * [wiki:ebxml ebXML] - Wiki for the GeoNetwork 3.x ebXML interface project 22 * [wiki:NGR] Changes for Nationaal Georegister 23 * [] The Swiss Geographic Catalogue