Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of PSC

Apr 7, 2008, 1:28:30 AM (16 years ago)

more typos corrected


  • PSC

    v17 v18  
    5252 3. Respondents may vote "+1" to indicate support for the proposal and a willingness to support implementation.
    5353 4. Respondents may vote "-1" to veto a proposal, but must provide clear reasoning and alternate approaches to resolving the problem within the two days.
    54  5. A vote of -0 indicates mild disagreement, but has no effect.  A 0 indicates no opinion.  A +0 indicate mild support, but has no effect.
     54 5. A vote of -0 indicates mild disagreement, but has no effect.  A 0 indicates no opinion.  A +0 indicates mild support, but has no effect.
    5555 6. Anyone may comment on proposals on the list, but only members of the Project Steering Committee's votes will be counted.
    56  7. A proposal will be accepted if it receives +2 (including the proposer) and no vetos (-1).
     56 7. A proposal will be accepted if it receives +2 (including the proposer) and no vetoes (-1).
    5757 8. If a proposal is vetoed, and it cannot be revised to satisfy all parties, then it can be resubmitted for an override vote in which a majority of all eligible voters indicating +1 is sufficient to pass it.  Note that this is a majority of all committee members, not just those who actively vote.
    5858 9. Upon completion of discussion and voting the proposer should announce whether they are proceeding (proposal accepted) or are withdrawing their proposal (vetoed).