
Version 7 (modified by fxp, 15 years ago) ( diff )


MEF improvements

Date 2008/08/14
Contact(s) Fxp
Last edited Timestamp
Status being discussed
Assigned to release to be determined


Improving existing MEF format to support more than one metadata in a single MEF file. This mechanism will allow the export n metadata records in a single MEF file with an adequate structure.

Proposal Type

  • Type: Module Change
  • App: GeoNetwork
  • Module: Metadata Import/Export

Voting History

  • Vote proposed by X on Y, result was +/-n (m non-voting members).



Requirements are:

  • multi-metadata support : be able to have more than one metadata record in a single MEF file.
  • multi-metadata format support : be able to store in a single MEF n formats (eg. for ISO profil, also store ISO19139 record)
  • related metadata export : export related metadata in the MEF file. Related metadata record could be :
    • child metadata (Using parentUuid search field)
    • service metadata (Using operatesOn search field)
    • related metadata (Using xml.relation.get service)

MEF structure proposal

MEF v1 :

 +--- metadata.xml
 +--- info.xml
 +--- public
 |        +---- all public documents and thumbnails
 +--- private
           +---- all private documents and thumbnails

MEF v2 :

 + 0..n metadata
     +--- metadata
     |     +--- metadata.xml (ISO19139)
     |     +--- (optional) metadata.profil.xml (ISO19139profil)
     +--- info.xml
     +--- overviews
     +--- applischema
     |     +--- (optional) schema.xml (ISO19110)
     +--- public
     |     +---- all public documents and thumbnails
     +--- private
           +---- all private documents and thumbnails

MEF Export

  • 1.If uuid add this metadata to the selection manager
    • child and add to selection manager
    • service and add to selection manager
  • 2.if not use the selection manager
  • 3.Export to MEF

MEF export include an iso19110 record in applischema directory (relation is defined in RELATION table).

MEF import check which MEF version to use on import (user does not have to specify which version to use).

MEF Import

A preferred schema parameter is added to config in order to define which file to load when more than on file is found in a MEF file. If no record with preferred schema found, use first valid one (in a schema known by current node).

Backwards Compatibility Issues

  • Check with existing implementation of MEF (GvSIG, Talend Spatial, ArcCatalogue plugin)



  • List of participants and role (if necessary) in current GIP
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