
Version 6 (modified by ebelo, 16 years ago) ( diff )

added multi format support

MEF improvements

Date 2008/08/14
Contact(s) Fxp
Last edited Timestamp
Status being discussed
Assigned to release to be determined


Improving existing MEF format to support more than one metadata in a single MEF file. This mechanism will allow the export n metadata records in a single MEF file with an adequate structure.

Proposal Type

  • Type: Module Change
  • App: GeoNetwork
  • Module: Metadata Import/Export

Voting History

  • Vote proposed by X on Y, result was +/-n (m non-voting members).



Requirements are:

  • multi-metadata support : be able to have more than one metadata record in a single MEF file.
  • multi-metadata format support : be able to store in a single MEF n formats (ISO19139, ISO19139.profile)
  • related metadata export : add an option in order to be able to export related metadata in the MEF file. Related metadata record could be :
    • child metadata (Using Lucene index to search for parentChild relation)
    • service metadata (To be defined)
    • related metadata (Using xml.relation.get service)

MEF structure proposal

MEF v1 :

 +--- metadata.xml
 +--- info.xml
 +--- public
  |        +---- all public documents and thumbnails
 +--- private
           +---- all private documents and thumbnails

MEF v2 :

 + 0..n metadata
     +--- metadata
      |     +--- metadata.xml (ISO19139)
      |     +--- (optional) metadata.profil.xml (ISO19139profil)
     +--- info.xml
     +--- overviews
     +--- applischema
      |       +--- (optional) schema.xml (ISO19110)
     +--- documents
              +---- all documents

MEF Creation process

  • 1.If uuid add this metadata to the selection manager
    • child and add to selection manager
    • service and add to selection manager
    • related and add to selection manager
  • 2.if not use the selection manager
  • 3.if selection manager is empty return error
  • 4.According to format parameter do a MEF export (full/partial)

Backwards Compatibility Issues

  • Check with existing implementation of MEF (GvSIG, Talend Spatial, ArcCatalogue plugin)



  • List of participants and role (if necessary) in current GIP
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