
Version 13 (modified by heikki, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Topics for GeoNetwork discussion in Bolsena 2010


author: Heikki Doeleman

For the 3rd time, the Bolsena OSGeo Hacking Event is going to be held. This page lists some ideas that can be discussed within the GeoNetwork faction.

Please add any idea you have here !

  • Javadoc: let's clean up the existing Javadoc and add new where it is missing. It'd be good to familiarize yourself with how Javadoc works, before doing this; e.g. there should be no blank line between the Javadoc and the method it is about; the first sentence should end in a period; and things like that.
  • Automatically add the Javadoc pages to this wiki, updated from a Hudson build process? For all of the branches?
  • Some people really like working with patches; other people prefer using short-lived SVN branches for a similar purpose. Can we all agree on doing it one way or the other?
  • This wiki is a bit of a mess, in my opinion. I think it would be good if we could put maybe 3 people in charge to firstly, clean it up and better structure it; and secondly, to try to keep it that way.
  • Let's create SQL files that can fill an empty GeoNetwork database with only the minimum needed to run the program? The admin user, settings, regions, things like that. Not everyone is really eager to use GAST for anything.
  • Does anyone like the function of the installer that it overwrites your JDBC credentials with randomly generated values? I certainly don't, as my DB lives very much longer than the many GeoNetwork installations I always do, so I have to edit config.xml everytime. How's about removing that?
  • The class and its sister are in particularly bad shape, in my opinion. There are literally dozens of public methods that all do more or less the same thing. Of course it's not clearly documented why they are all there or when to use which. Would it be too drastic to propose that we keep 1 single public method for each of the functions createMetadata, updateMetadata, validateMetadata, etc. ?
  • In the NGR project, a modification to the code around the editor called Inflation and Vacuum is implemented, that makes it much easier to create valid metadata from scratch. In essence it takes the function of update-fixed-info.xsl (which also tries to do some automatic adjustments to help things along) a whole seven miles further. What do the developers think of this? (I'll provide documentation sometime soon).

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