Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of 200906CodeSprint

06/23/09 23:31:38 (16 years ago)



  • 200906CodeSprint

    v21 v22  
    44 * Introduction
    55 * 2.4 release
    6   * Bug fixing
     6  * Bug fixing
    77  * Check trac tickets and update them when needed
    88  * Create final release candidate
    2727    * Languages supported are defined per metadata record. So adding a new translation to a metadata record is done within the record, no matter what the new language is
    2828    * Search is done using a search index per language. Search will use all indexes and boost the default language.
    29     * Relations between parent and child are defined through a small GUI popup that allows you to search and identify the parent or child. Link will be created in both directions.
    30     * Context sensitive labels used in metadata
    31     * Suggestions lists for some free text fields. These are defined also in the labels.xml file as a helper element.
    32     * Validation of metadata based on different profiles and schemas. When it fails one of these validations, it is automatically unpublished if it was public before.
    33     * Hidden elements. Visually you can see which parts are publicly visible or not. Click on the red or green toggle button. Filter is stored in the database.
    34     * Reusable elements, for example contacts. A popup allows to select the contact (and even edit its properties that are then reflected on the other metadata pointing to the same contact)
    35     * Draft Z3950 harvester
    36     * GM03 Catalog Gateway Protocol (SwissTopo) harvester (catalogs supporting this will be replaced with CSW catalogs)
    37     * Statistics pages to review some user behavior, using numbers & graphics
     29   * Relations between parent and child are defined through a small GUI popup that allows you to search and identify the parent or child. Link will be created in both directions.
     30   * Context sensitive labels used in metadata
     31   * Suggestions lists for some free text fields. These are defined also in the labels.xml file as a helper element.
     32   * Validation of metadata based on different profiles and schemas. When it fails one of these validations, it is automatically unpublished if it was public before.
     33   * Hidden elements. Visually you can see which parts are publicly visible or not. Click on the red or green toggle button. Filter is stored in the database.
     34   * Reusable elements, for example contacts. A popup allows to select the contact (and even edit its properties that are then reflected on the other metadata pointing to the same contact)
     35   * Draft Z3950 harvester
     36   * GM03 Catalog Gateway Protocol (SwissTopo) harvester (catalogs supporting this will be replaced with CSW catalogs)
     37   * Statistics pages to review some user behavior, using numbers & graphics
    3939  * GéoSource : Mathieu & Francois
    4949  * ebRIM: Erik, Heikki & Jose
    50    *
     50   * Maven presentation
     51   * hibernate and sping
    52   * Testing framework in Jeeves: Just
    54   * other ?
    5553 * Afternoon :
    5654  * plenary presentations
     56==== Wednesday (proposal) ====
     57 * Morning :
     58  * Testing framework in Jeeves: Just
    5759  * Marketing: GN has no real logo, and the banner looks eighties (how subjective is that ;-) )
    5860  * Create an OSGeo sponsor program (see [ GDAL sponsorship]) or a foundation for !GeoNetwork to support some common bug fixing & tasks
    60 ==== Wednesday ====
    61  * Morning :
    6262 * Afternoon :
     63  * Maven integration
     66 |
     67 +- geonetwork-jeeves
     68 |       +- src/main/jeeves
     69 |       +- src/test/jeeves
     70 |       +- pom.xml
     71 |       +- docs
     72 |
     73 +- geonetwork-gast
     74 |       +- bin
     75 |       +- src/main/org/fao/gast
     76 |       +- src/test/org/fao/gast
     77 |       +- pom.xml
     78 |
     79 +- geonetwork-web
     80 |       +- bin
     81 |       +- installer
     82 |       +- jetty
     83 |       +- schematron
     84 |       +- src/main/org/fao/geonetwork
     85 |       +- src/test/org/fao/geonetwork
     86 |       +- web
     87 |       +- pom.xml
     88 |
     89 +- geonetwork-doc
     91  * Unit test integration (
     92  * Features ? define priority
    6494==== Thursday ====
    6595 * Morning :
    66   * CSW improvements : ISO 2.0.2 and ESA ebRim implementation : Mathieu & Heikki
    6796 * Afternoon : presentation
    7099 * Morning :
    71100 * Afternoon :
    73107== Items suggested ==
    93127   * No more Jeeves, and no more (or less) XSLT for the GUI. But how to achieve it?
    96 === 2.4 / known bugs ===
    98  * see trac
    99  * (Fixed) i18n / MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode quarterly
    100  * (Fixed) CSW / attempt to access a deleted document !GetDomain & !CatalogueSearcher
    101  * (Fixed) CSW / !GetDomain rest only / getParameters Namespace OGC
    102  * CSW Filter 1.1.1 support?
    103  * Jeeves / SOAP env
    104  * !XmlLoader.js : JS alert
    106129=== Improvements / Performance ===
    107130 * replace lucene.xsl by Java : Heikki