Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of 200906CodeSprint

06/23/09 03:39:23 (16 years ago)



  • 200906CodeSprint

    v15 v16  
    1313  * Bluenet
    1414  *
    16 No large map viewer
    17 Bounding box in metadata using OL
    18 Search is done through CSW
    19 CSW is augmented with summary search information to create a filter panel on the right column
    20 Search form is created in ExtJs
    21 Metadata shown in popup floating Extjs window
    22 Keywords with autoselect keyword list
    23 Working on using GetDomain in search
    24 Harvested nodes and local groups are combined in the catalogue filter field (drop down list in the search form)
    25 Complex spatial searches support for custom or predefined polygons
    26 CSW test suite is passed except for the Filter "or" operator when filtering on a combination of a spatial and some other search criteria
     15   * No large map viewer
     16   * Bounding box in metadata using OL
     17   * Search is done through CSW
     18   * CSW is augmented with summary search information to create a filter panel on the right column
     19   * Search form is created in ExtJs
     20   * Metadata shown in popup floating Extjs window
     21   * Keywords with autoselect keyword list
     22   * Working on using GetDomain in search
     23   * Harvested nodes and local groups are combined in the catalogue filter field (drop down list in the search form)
     24   * Complex spatial searches support for custom or predefined polygons
     25   * CSW test suite is passed except for the Filter "or" operator when filtering on a combination of a spatial and some other search criteria
     26   * Support for multilingual metadata editing
     27    * Languages supported are defined per metadata record. So adding a new translation to a metadata record is done within the record, no matter what the new language is
     28    * Search is done using a search index per language. Search will use all indexes and boost the default language.
     29    * Relations between parent and child are defined through a small GUI popup that allows you to search and identify the parent or child. Link will be created in both directions.
     30    * Context sensitive labels used in metadata
     31    * Suggestions lists for some free text fields. These are defined also in the labels.xml file as a helper element.
    2933  * GéoSource : Mathieu & Francois
     34   * A new Keyword selection panel where you select the thesaurus and then start searching and adding keywords to the metadata
     35   * ISO19110 support.
    3037  * Geonovum NGR: Jeroen & Heikki & Jose
    3138  * other ?