Opened 13 years ago

#604 new defect

MetadataURL links are not followed for FeatureTypes in WFS or Coverages in WCS

Reported by: rmcaleer Owned by: geonetwork-devel@…
Priority: major Milestone: Future release
Component: General Version: v2.6.4
Keywords: WFS, WCS, Harvesting, Metadata, MetadataURL Cc:


Steps to reproduce:

  • Go to 'Administration->Harvesting Management' in Geonetwork
  • Add an OGC Web Service

Select one of the WFS or WCS options Select 'Create metadata for layer elements using MetadataURL attributes (if existing, if not use GetCapabilities).' for the 'Type of Import'

  • Go back to the Harvesting Management page, select the added OGC Service and 'Run' it to start harvesting.

There's no easy way to tell if it follows the MetadataURL links. I set up a remote debug session to my Geonetwork install from eclipse and put a breakpoint in the org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.ogcwxs.Harvester class in the addLayerMetadata method. On line 505 there is the following check:

if (params.useLayerMd && params.ogctype.substring(0,3).equals("WMS")) { ...

The code within this if block does the parsing of the MetadataURL element, but unless it's a WMS this section is never called and there is no other code to parse MetadataURL elements if it's a WCS or WFS.

  • Note: Filing as a defect (rather than enhancement) since I haven't found anywhere in the app or documentation that suggests MetadataURLs aren't supported for WFS & WCS (so the implication is that they are).

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