Opened 14 years ago

#524 new enhancement

Use TMS layers as baselayers

Reported by: gagan2u2002 Owned by: geonetwork-devel@…
Priority: major Milestone: v2.6.5
Component: General Version: v2.6.5
Keywords: use WMS layers as baselayers in mapViewer.. Cc:


So far we can only use WMS layers as baselayers in mapViewer.. this is great but slow with complex map/photo layers. For performance reasons it'd be great if we could use TMS layers too with fixed scales, and then also decide the scale/unit of the whole ol map. <mapViewer> <scales>x,y,z</scales> <units>m</units> <layers> <layer type=TMS server=tmsurl options="{ layername: 'ortho', type: 'jpeg'}"/> <layer type=WMS server=wmsurl params="{ layername: 'commune', format: 'image/png'}" options="{isBaseLayer:false}"/> <layers> </mapViewer>'

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