Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#291 closed defect (fixed)

"Actions on selection" issues

Reported by: osjonathan Owned by: geonetwork-devel@…
Priority: major Milestone: v2.6.0 RC2
Component: General Version: v2.6.0
Keywords: Cc:


Beyond those issues reported elsewhere that are currently open (287, 288 (enhancement), 265), some more issues with the "actions on selection" function for search results. Grouped here for convenience rather than a bunch of tickets (but I can create seperate tickets in the future if you want).

a) I "transfer ownership" of two items. The top-of-screen pop-up confirms success. But when I close that bit I get a blank-results pane. Screenshot: blank_results.png

b) I run a "advanced"->"restrict to" search with the "kind" being template, so my results are only templates. I select any number of them (doesn't seem to matter) then use the "display selected only". This then gives me 0 results. Works fine with Kind: Metadata.

c) (more a suggestion) "Print selection" exports to a PDF. Should this not therefore be called "Export to PDF". Personally I expected a "print" function to actually send stuff straight to the printer (I prefer the PDF, it's just a wrong-name issue).

d) Like Item (b) above, "Print Selection" doesn't export anything for selected templates, only metadata.

Change History (2)

by osjonathan, 15 years ago

Attachment: blank_results.png added

comment:1 by josegar74, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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