Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#1274 closed enhancement (fixed)

feedback on specific metadata

Reported by: heikki Owned by: heikki
Priority: minor Milestone: v2.10.0 RC1
Component: General Version: v2.8.0
Keywords: feedback, feedback form Cc:


This ticket introduces an improved feedback function to GN, that allows for a distinction between feedback sent to the catalog administrator (email adress in System Configuration), and feedback sent to a contact point in one particular metadata (from /gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:contact[1]/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty[1]/gmd:contactInfo[1]/gmd:CI_Contact[1]/gmd:address[1]/gmd:CI_Address[1]/gmd:electronicMailAddress[1]/gco:CharacterString[1]).

Available for Ext GUIs only. The existing feedback function in the classic GUI remains untouched.

An example of the feedback form for a specific metadata:

Change History (4)

by heikki, 12 years ago

feedback on specific metadata

comment:1 by heikki, 12 years ago

feedback on specific metadata

comment:2 by heikki, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Pushed to master: 3d8dec7e6a3963490744208dfc4637513d0f4558, da3d4322c23118c5a89de975c230e26868136e16 Pushed to 2.10.x : 7aacd7ba422c0a577da3834c1e545ed68216daf3

comment:3 by heikki, 12 years ago

Milestone: v2.10.0v2.10.0 RC1
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