Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#1154 closed defect (fixed)

ISO19139-MCP-1.4 Download Summary Form wrong, missing gmd:useLimitation

Reported by: awalsh Owned by: geonetwork-devel@…
Priority: major Milestone: v2.8.0
Component: General Version: v2.8.0RC2
Keywords: Download summary form, ISO19139-MCP-1.4 Cc:


Using GN+ANZMEST2.8RC2 (9/11/12) .jar install (Thanks Simon!) and the ISO19139-MCP-1.4 schema and a metadata record with a local data file for download and with the file.disclaimer service switched on in Admin->Sys Config.

I find the gmd:useLimitation text (constraints) doesn't appear on the Download Summary Form (see attached screenshot - ISO19139-MCP-1.4_GN2.8RC2_DownloadSummaryForm.PNG). Also the form text looks wrong and says:

"Copyright All rights reserved Your Generic Copyright Statement YOUR DISCLAIMER TITLE Your Disclaimer text"

However with an ISO19139 record with attached file for download the Download Summary form DOES have the useLimitation text see attached screenshot - ISO19139_GN2.8RC2_DownloadSummaryForm.PNG). The form text looks OK and says:

"Use Limitation <contents of gmd:UseLimitation>

I suggest the ISO19139-MCP should use the same presentation as the ISO19139. Possibly the wrong xsl is getting called?

Some other relevant output from GN log (same messages in log from both the ISO19139 and ISO19139-MCP-1.4 cases):

2012-11-13 16:12:05,343 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> dispatching to output for : file.disclaimer 2012-11-13 16:12:05,375 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> transforming with stylesheet : C:\ANZMEST_2.8RC2\web\geonetwork\xsl/file-download-disclaimer.xsl

Change History (7)

by awalsh, 12 years ago

ISO19139 MCP 1.4 Download Summary Form

by awalsh, 12 years ago

ISO19139 Download Summary Form

comment:1 by ianwallen, 12 years ago


I believe this is how it is intended to work.

It seem like the default comes from loc/eng/xml/strings.xml - <copyright1> and <copyright2> - This is what MCP is using as it has not been overridden.

While iso19139 overwrote the default in /web/geonetwork/WEB-INF/data/config/schema_plugins/iso19139/loc/eng/codelists.xml - gmd:MD_RestrictionCode

The question may be - if MCP is depending on iso19139, should it contain the overrides?

comment:2 by awalsh, 12 years ago

Ian and Simon,

Ian, Thanks for looking at this.

I see what is causing the problem now. Issue is that the file-download-disclaimer.xsl only work properly (i.e. showing the gmd:UseLimitation) in the gmd:MD_Metadata (ISO19139) namespace it doesn't look for or work with mcp:Metadata (ISO19139-mcp) namespace. The version of file-download-disclaimer.xsl that works with mcp (From older BlueNet MEST v1.4.2) is attached. You will see that this one works fine for MCP but unfortuately not also for ISO19139, still get the default 'Your DISCLAMER TITLE' etc. on the form

This is an important bug to fix because I know many organisations require that any limitations are displayed before somebody downloads the data file.

Maybe the way to fix this is to have a ANZMEST specific override for the file.disclaimer service that uses a mcp schema-plugin version of file-download-disclaimer.xsl.

Not sure about the right way, what do you think Simon?



by awalsh, 12 years ago

BlueNet MEST v1.4.2 of file-download-disclaimer.xsl

comment:3 by simonp, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in commit e39f9a001c4134815ed83c2f906829f1c99d479e

comment:4 by awalsh, 12 years ago

Hi Simon,

Thanks so much for the fix. Its now showing the gmd:UseLimitation on iso19139-mcp1.4, iso19139 and iso19139.anzlic.

Thought I would check this process from its beginnings i.e first upload a file and I have discovered another bug which I think is similar to that reported by Ian in ticket Getting a javascript error on clicking 'File Upload' button for iso19139.mcp1.4 and iso19139.anzlic but not with iso19139. Anyway I will append more details on this to ticket #1145.



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