Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1081 closed defect (fixed)

Disclaimer form fails to appear when downloading local file as public user

Reported by: awalsh Owned by: geonetwork-devel@…
Priority: major Milestone: v2.8.0 RC2
Component: General Version: v2.8.0RC0
Keywords: file.disclaimer, local file for download Cc:


Using GN2.8RC1 clicking the 'Data for Download' button on the 'Physiographic Map of North and Central Eurasia (Sample record...' and then selecting the 'local' file for download checkbox the file.disclaimer service (form) fails with a Java exception. The wheel just spins and the disclaimer form never comes up.

The GN log:

2012-09-27 16:33:07,998 INFO [jeeves.request] - HTML Request (from : /geonetwork/srv/eng/file.disclaimer 2012-09-27 16:33:07,998 DEBUG [jeeves.request] - Method : GET 2012-09-27 16:33:07,998 DEBUG [jeeves.request] - Content type : null 2012-09-27 16:33:07,998 DEBUG [jeeves.request] - Accept : text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */* 2012-09-27 16:33:07,998 DEBUG [jeeves.request] - Session id is 1w8cjrggscchrcmh8gnms68h2 2012-09-27 16:33:07,998 INFO [jeeves.service] - Dispatching : file.disclaimer 2012-09-27 16:33:08,029 DEBUG [jeeves.webapp.file.disclaimer] - Passed to metadata-license-annex.xsl:


<metadata changedate="2007-11-06T12:10:47" currdate="2012-09-27 16:33:08">

<title>Physiographic Map of North and Central Eurasia (Sample record, please remove!)</title>

.... .... 2012-09-27 16:33:08,029 ERROR [jeeves.service] - Exception when executing service 2012-09-27 16:33:08,029 ERROR [jeeves.service] - (C) Exc : java.lang.NumberFormatException: null 2012-09-27 16:33:08,029 DEBUG [jeeves.service] - Raised exception while executing service <error id="error">

<message>null</message> <class>NumberFormatException</class> <stack>

<at class="java.lang.Integer" file="" line="415" method="parseInt" /> <at class="java.lang.Integer" file="" line="497" method="parseInt" /> <at class="jeeves.server.UserSession" file="" line="139" method="getUserIdAsInt" /> <at class="" file="" line="186" method="exec" /> <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo" file="" line="230" method="execService" /> <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo" file="" line="139" method="execServices" /> <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceManager" file="" line="420" method="dispatch" /> <at class="jeeves.server.JeevesEngine" file="" line="747" method="dispatch" />

..... ..... </error> 2012-09-27 16:33:08,029 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> dispatching to error for : file.disclaimer 2012-09-27 16:33:08,045 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> transforming with stylesheet : C:\geonetwork2.8.0RC1\web\geonetwork\xsl/error.xsl 2012-09-27 16:33:08,514 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> end error transformation for : file.disclaimer 2012-09-27 16:33:08,514 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> error ended for : file.disclaimer

BTW everything is OK if you do this as the 'admin' user. The Java stack trace above indicates some problem with: method="getUserIdAsInt"

FYI I uploaded this sample XML from the mef files provided with the sample data in the iso19139 schema plugin.

Note: This ticket may be related to #1080

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