Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#96 closed defect (fixed)

Turning Show Segment Area to False has no impact.

Reported by: andersd Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 2.6
Component: Demo Version: 2.6
Keywords: Cc:


Changing the segment area to false did not change anything. After changing the parameter from true to false the segments still display.

<param name="measure_tool.show_area_segments">true</param>

<param name="measure_tool.show_area_segments">false</param>

Change History (11)

comment:1 by andersd, 13 years ago

This used to be part of the measure units ticket #80 but is still a problem. Also, I should probably not have included two problems in one ticket.

comment:2 by theduckylittle, 13 years ago

Status: newtesting

by andersd, 13 years ago

Attachment: areasegmentdisplay.JPG added

Example of measure area segment set to false

comment:3 by andersd, 13 years ago

Status: testingneeds_work

This still appears to be not working. Set in mapbook.xml as follows:

<param name="measure_tool.show_area_segments">false</param>

Please see attached jpg for result.

comment:4 by theduckylittle, 13 years ago

Status: needs_worktesting

I am *not* seeing this in my local checkout. I am seeing this as working fine. Are you sure you don't have it set to true elsewhere in your mapbook?

comment:5 by andersd, 13 years ago

These are the locations where I reference MEASURE in the mapbook.xml. Sent you a copy via e-mail. Hope this helps.

The Word "MEASURE" is used in my mapbook.xml in the following lines.

39 - <param name="measure_tool.show_area_segments">false</param>
470 - <tool name="measure" title="Measure" type="internal" action="measure"/>
471 - <tool name="measurearea" title="Measure Area" type="internal" action="measurearea"/>

It is still not working.

comment:6 by theduckylittle, 13 years ago

Status: testingneeds_work

Well, dammit Dean, it works for me!!!

Make sure your local cache is cleared and make sure that there is no squid caching or other similar network caching going on.

comment:7 by theduckylittle, 13 years ago

Status: needs_worktesting

comment:8 by andersd, 13 years ago

Status: testingneeds_work

OK - So here is what I did and it still does not work (sorry).

  1. Removed the MS4W directory from machine
  2. Downloaded and Re-installed mw4w from ZIP (
  3. Downloaded and Re-installed nightly update (
  4. Removed all history from Chrome and IE
  5. Edited Mapbook.xml with the following:

<param name="measure_tool.line_units">mi</param>
<param name="measure_tool.area_units">yd</param>
<param name="measure_tool.precision">1</param>
<param name="measure_tool.show_area_segments">false</param>

  1. Started Apache on local machine (apache-install.bat)
  2. Started GeoMoose on local and did a measure area.

PROBLEM- Segment area still displays. Areas show precision at 1 (ie. 4206146.9). Default area units is "Square Yards" (Default for this is precision 3 and units "Acres".)

So I think this should illustrate that I do not squid, caching or anything else going on AND it is still a problem.

comment:9 by theduckylittle, 13 years ago

Status: needs_worktesting

r825 , you can see this in demo.

comment:10 by andersd, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: testingclosed

Works - local and on demo in Chrome, Firefox, and IE8

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