Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#192 closed enhancement (wontfix)

GeoMOOSE legend behavior when minimized

Reported by: markvolz Owned by: bfischer
Priority: trivial Milestone: 2.6.2
Component: GeoMOOSE/PHP Version: 2.6
Keywords: Cc:


I noticed that GeoMOOSE 2.6.1 requests MapServer to create legend images even if the legend is collapsed in the Catalog. This creates a lot of unnecessary requests, especially if a user never expands the legend for a layer. In my opinion GeoMOOSE should not request a legend image from MapServer if the legend for a layer is collapsed.

Update: There could be a couple ways of handling this request.

1) Only update the legend(s) if something happens that could change the legend for a layer such as zoom in or zoom out.

2) Only update the legend(s) if something happens that could change the legend for a layer such as zoom in or zoom out, AND the legend is expanded in the TOC. This will minimize "get legend" requests at the cost of a user having to wait for MapServer to create a legend before they can view it in the catalog.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by bfischer, 11 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
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