Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#137 closed defect (invalid)

Coordinate location text broken in Opera

Reported by: osjonathan Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: GeoMOOSE/JS Version: 2.6
Keywords: Cc:


I'm now trying to convert the demo mapbook.xml into something that shows our local area. To this end I've changed the following lines (this is Ordnance Survey National Grid btw):

<param name="projection">EPSG:27700</param>
<param name="max_extent">380000,200000,480000,340000</param>
<param name="initial_extent">400000,220000,460000,320000</param>

I don't actually expect it to work at this point (and it doesn't), however I can't help but notice that every browser exhibits a different coordinate set with this, which may be indicative of a different issue.

Opera: If I mouse over the map I get (about top middle): Lat,Lon: 52.866, -1.419. However that only stays up for a few seconds before changing to "-90,90.... no playing at the poles.
FireFox: (about, map centre) 52.295, -1.450
IE: (about, map centre) 44.552, -93.144
While FF and Opera are about the same, Opera then bugs out with the poles message. I have no idea what IE is up to.

Again, I don't expect my changes to work properly first time, but I figure they should probably all break in the same way.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by osjonathan, 13 years ago

Priority: majorblocker

Further to this, it seems the bug is more significant than I thought.
I've now finished setting up the projection stuff per: - I have a suitably named JS file that I'm referencing.

While most of the layers don't work because they don't reproject (understandable), the "ArcGIS 9.3 Rest Example" one does.

The text coordinates at the bottom still do exactly as specified in my original bug report. Beyond that:
Opera 12 and FF 11 are both looking at the correct location when I load the ArcGIS layer.

IE 8 however is looking at somewhere called "castle rock", which appears to be just south of Minneapolis. Rather self evidently, this is very, very wrong.

I've also tested this in Chrome 18 - it behaves the exact same way as Firefox.

So: FireFox and Chrome - work fine.
Opera: mostly works apart from the coordinate text at the bottom which disappears after a few seconds.
IE: Very Very broken.

comment:2 by osjonathan, 13 years ago

Priority: blockermajor
Summary: Incorrect projection with different browsersCoordinate location text broken in Opera

Ok, after yet more testing, it seems that despite telling IE to force-refresh GeoMoose a number of times, it was still using a cached version. I had to restart the entire browser, but after that IE worked properly (i.e., like FireFox and Chrome)

However, Opera 12 is still broken, even after a browser restart.

comment:3 by theduckylittle, 13 years ago

Do you have a patch? None of the core team does Opera testing?

comment:4 by osjonathan, 13 years ago

I'm doing this on work time and am just evaluating GeoMoose; I'm not in a position to develop a patch even if I could (which I can't).

However, as Opera is available freely on pretty much all platforms, the core team should hopefully be able to download and install it to confirm and fix. See:

comment:5 by theduckylittle, 13 years ago

Is it really free to download? That's fantastic!

comment:6 by bfischer, 12 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Testing team is not able to replicate. Seems like it could be an issue with the projection configuration. Were closing the ticket for now. If you still see the issue please re-open and provide more documentation.

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