Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#130 closed enhancement (wontfix)

IIS7 install documentation

Reported by: osjonathan Owned by: EliL
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Docs Version: 2.6
Keywords: Cc:


I appreciate that Apache is the preferred way to go, however IIS7 is now almost 3 years old but the GeoMoose 2.6 documentation (only 1.5months old!) is only for IIS6.

I managed to find this 3 month old thread - - which got me to a point where MapServer was working (itself a chore and poorly documented on IIS7), however I'm now stumped at the GeoMoose part. I'll resolve those specific issues on the mailing lists but I do believe that the documentation should be updated.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by theduckylittle, 13 years ago

Not a lot of IIS7 based installs for GeoMOOSE right now, in fact, the IIS6 was contributed by Houston Engineering who has since moved to Apache / MS4W.

If you've got an install working, we'd love to see a doc for it.

comment:2 by osjonathan, 13 years ago

I'd love to, but unfortunately I'm not in a position to do so: I couldn't justify it on work time, and at this point I don't even remember what I did.
If we decide to deploy GeoMoose to a live environment I'll have to fully document the install and so could release it then, but that's a pretty big "if".

comment:3 by theduckylittle, 13 years ago

I'd love to also, but unfortunately, none of us use IIS7.

You're "but that's a pretty big "if"" is borderline insulting. Please be mindful that this is a volunteer effort and the volunteers work to satisfy the needs they have or needs they are funded to satisfy. While we are happy to take in tickets for improving the project, at this point, you have committed the following open-source sins:

  1. *Re-opened* a ticket the *lead* developer closed.
  2. Not closed or provided feedback for tickets in testing, that you filed.
  3. Filed tickets without first emailing your questions to the mailing list. FYI's and questions of formatting, etc., are not tickets.
  4. Told the developers you won't actually be using the application.

You may want to keep these four items in mind before posting again.

comment:4 by osjonathan, 13 years ago

We appear to have gotten off on the wrong foot.
I'd like to make it clear that I like Open Source and have been active in various OS communities for over a decade and have been reporting bugs for even longer; Feel free to look at my trac reports for QGIS and GeoNetwork, and that's just the OSGEO GIS projects.

1) This rule changes per project. I don't believe any developer closing a ticket makes it sacrosanct to reopen them. I've done it plenty of times before for other projects when I believe it was warranted, but its not something I do lightly.

2) I've never encountered this before despite reporting literally hundreds of bugs to countless projects. I'm not saying you're doing it wrong, just that its its a non-obvious requirement to participation in bug reporting. It also requires the bug reporter to know what SVN is, how to check out etc, and then installing a development build of the software, all of which raises the bug-reporting bar quite a lot.

3) I have emailed questions to the mailing list, but unfortunately it seems to be extremely low traffic. I still haven't received a reply to my email of 2nd August ("Printing Issue") for instance. The tickets I filed all seemed to be bugs: there was a discrepancy between the expected/documented behaviour and the actual behaviour.

4) I'm not really sure why this is a negative. I could probably have worded it better and I apologise (it wasn't meant as an insult, just that you shouldn't rely on it happening for the IIS7 documentation), however I don't believe this has any bearing on any of the tickets I've raised.
If you wish to discuss any of this further in private, feel free to contact me personally. I believe both the mailing list and trac have my details.

comment:5 by EliL, 13 years ago

Priority: majorminor
Status: newtesting
Type: taskenhancement

IIS7 docs would be helpful. Much of that doc is specific to IIS7 and MapServer, the GeoMoose specific part would be relatively minor.

In my mind the logical way to figure out IIS7 for MapServer would be for those interested to fund/contract Jeff Mckenna since he does MS4W and lots of MapServer docs. This would likely result in something like this, but updated. It appears as if this 2005 update was enough for IIS5 and I think IIS6 was very similar and it probably worked for that too. I get the impression that IIS7 is substantially different.

For now, I'll add a link to the email thread in FAQs, r907, in trunk,

comment:6 by theduckylittle, 12 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: testingclosed
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