Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Release/1.6.0-News

Nov 28, 2008, 10:28:09 AM (16 years ago)
Even Rouault

update news to r15836 (branch creation)


  • Release/1.6.0-News

    v8 v9  
    11= GDAL/OGR 1.6.0 =
    3 '''These are preliminary release notes, the 1.6.0 release has not yet occured.'''  (Made from SVN log from r13414 to r15729)
     3'''These are preliminary release notes, the 1.6.0 release has not yet occured.'''  (Made from SVN log from r13414 to r15836)
    55== GDAL/OGR 1.6.0 - General Changes ==
    6969 * Added GDALRegenerateOverviewsMultiBand to process all the bands at the same time to optimize the generations of compressed pixel-interleaved overviews (such as JPEG-In-TIFF). Optimization triggered in some cases for external and internal GeoTIFF overviews. PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW and INTERLEAVE_OVERVIEW config options added for external overviews. -ro option added to gdaladdo to generate external overviews for GeoTIFF. Result : divide by 2 to 3 the size of JPEG-In-TIFF overviews on big RGB datasets
    7070 * Add a new class GDALNoDataValuesMaskBand to create a per-dataset nodata mask band (GMF_PER_DATASET | GMF_NODATA) when the metadata item NODATA_VALUES is found on the dataset (#2149)
     71 * Added SPARSE_OK option, a avoid sparseness if FALSE (#2632)
    7273 * Fix segfault when building overviews with --config USE_RRD YES (#2145)
    9495 * Restrict dataset sharing to a one thread by tracking owning pid (#2229)
    9596 * rasterio.cpp: Handle >2GB memory arrays on a 64-bit build (#2199)
     97 * extend BIGTIFF option to support IF_NEEDED and IF_SAFER (#2676)
     98 * improve compatability with libtiff back to 3.6.0 (#2699)
    330333 * Add FORCETOPESTRING, and ensure ProjectionX applied to all bands (#2243)
    331334 * Added support for unique values color tables (#2419)
     335 * Implement partial access to camera model information (#2675)
    333337HTTP driver:
    338342 * remove conditional from CreateColorRamp() call
    339343 * Fix #2444 (lat/long) and #2442 (uppercase file extension)
     344 * Fix writing of Min/Max Y for non georeferenced images on .RDC file (#2697)
    341346ILWIS driver:
    368373 * Added fill/flush support compatible with IPP libjpeg (#2606)
     375LAN driver:
     376 * added support for statistics (.sta) file (#2703)
    370378LCP (FARSITE) driver:
    371379 * New for 1.6.0
    373381L1B driver:
    374382 * Added support for NOAA-18(N) and METOP-2 datasets; tiny code refactoring.
    385393 * Added support for MrSID DSDK 7.x (#2410)
    386394 * Use int 32 types instead of long types for LTI_METADATA_DATATYPE_UINT32 and LTI_METADATA_DATATYPE_SINT32 metadata (#2629)
     395 * fixed 32bit int overflow in sceneWidth/Height calc (#2689)
    388397MSG driver:
    549558  * Make OGRLayer::FilterGeometry more restrictive in the geometries it selects (#2454)
    550559  * OGRStyleVector class and related stuff has been removed (#2070).
     560  * Fix OGRFeature::SetFrom() to copy OFTDateTime field to OFTDate field (and other similar combinations) (#2474)
    552563  * Fixed OGR SQL to properly escape single quotes in string literals (Ticket #2220).
    561572 * Upgrade to EPSG 6.17
    562573 * Added support for "International Map of the World Polyconic" and "Wagner I-VII" projections.
    563  * Add EquidistantCylindricalSphere and GaussLabordeReunion (#2134)
     574 * Add EquidistantCylindricalSphere and GaussSchreiberTMercator (#2134, #2663)
     575 * Correct treatment of equirectangular lat parameter to be standard_parallel_1 (#2706)
    564576 * Fix exportToProj() translation for OSGB36 (#2160)
    565577 * ogr_srs_panorama.cpp : Fixed search in ellipsoid list
    612624 * Prevent GPX and KML drivers to read too much of a non GPX/KML file (#2395)
    613625 * GPX writer: Remove leading spaces for a numeric field (#2638)
     626 * Add compatibility stuff to make GPX and KML driver compile against expat >=1.95.0 and < 1.95.7 (#1866)
    615628GML driver:
    619632 * Do geometry element name test (IsGeometryElement) case sensitive to avoid false positives on property names, and such (#2215).
    620633 * Fix memory bug in OGRGMLLayer::GetNextFeature() when using attribute filter (#2349)
     634 * Fix GML driver behaviour with Xerces 3.0.0
    622636GMT driver :
    652666MITAB driver:
    653667 * Upgraded to current dev version of MITAB - includes a number of TAB StyleString improvements
     668 * support OFTDate/OFTTime/OFTDateTime when reading and writing (#2585)
    654669 * Support font point outline color
    698713 * Allow VACUUM through ExecuteSQL() without a transaction (#2619).
    700 PGEO driver:
     715PGeo driver:
    701716 * correct testcapability results (#2601)
    702717 * treat type 50 geometry as SHPT_ARC (#1484)
     718 * add ODBC/PGEO support for date, time and datetime(timestamp) fields (#2691)
     719 * recognize SQL_SMALLINT as OFTInteger (#2698)
     720 * recognize type 9 as POINTZ (#2692)
     721 * add sanity checks in createFromShapeBin() similar to the ones in SHPReadObject()
    704723SDE driver:
    762781 * Added RasterizeLayer() and SieveFilter()
    763782 * If we receive an odd array type in BandWriteArray(), cast the array to float64 which we do support (#2285).
     783 * Add colortable accessors without Raster in name
     784 * Fix crash on Win32 when using ogr.UseExceptions() (#2688)
    765786SWIG C# related changes: