Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of NetCDF_Improvements

Dec 14, 2011, 7:04:56 PM (13 years ago)



  • NetCDF_Improvements

    v30 v31  
    2828   * export std_parallel variables into a single standard_parallel netcdf attribute - fixed
    2929   * add proper datum import and export support - fixed
    30    * issues with specific projections:
     30   * issues with specific projections (see wiki:NetCDF_ProjectionTestingStatus and generic report in #2893):
    3131     * rotated_pole (#4285 and #4251)
    3232     * Stereographic vs. Oblique_Stereographic (#4267)
    33      * others not assigned a bug report - wiki:NetCDF_ProjectionTestingStatus
     33     * LCC1SP - no scale_factor in CF-1 (#3324)
     34     * CEA : how to deal with scale_factor_at_projection_origin vs. of standard_parallel1
     35     * PS: how to deal with standard_parallel vs. scale_factor_at_projection_origin
    3436 * add CF compliance checker to the autotests (issue #4233) - fixed
    3537 * support "coordinates" attribute for projections which are not supported by GDAL/PROJ.4 (i.e rotated pole) (issues #4285 and #4251)
    4244=== Issues with the current implementation ===
    4345 * The import process does not use the Conventions attribute and does not consider different possible Conventions (COARDS, CF-1.0, CF-1.5, etc.)
    44  * netcdf history global attribute should be updated. Does GDAL offer a history mechanism? - needs new function in gdal.h
    45  * CF-version of file read could be kept in an internal variable, as well as CF-version for file creation - in trunk CF-1.5 is exported
     46 * netcdf history global attribute should be updated. Does GDAL offer a history mechanism? - needs new function in gdal.h (issue #4297)
    4748=== Issues that have been resolved (in trunk)  ===
    5152 * Floating-point metadata in netcdf file is converted to GDAL metadata as string without sufficient precision (issue #4211)
    5253 * GDAL version saved in GDAL global attribute
     54 * CF-version of file read could be kept in an internal variable, as well as CF-version for file creation - in trunk CF-1.5 is exported to file only
    7274 * Support Create() method so that gdalwarp can be used on a netcdf file - #4221 (committed to trunk)
    7375 * ~~Fix access to different netcdf file types: nc (classic), nc2 (64-bit) and nc4 (NetCDF4 with HDF5 support) - #3890 and #2379~~
    74  * Add option for file type (nc,nc2,nc4) at export (#3166) -> fixed in trunk, but needs Win32 support and autotests
     76 * Add option for file type (nc,nc2,nc4) at export (#3166) -> fixed in trunk, but needs testing in Win32
    7577 * Support compressed netcdf (DEFLATE with NC4 or NC4C)
    7678 * fix the y-axis for import and export (issues #4251 and #4284) - in trunk option for bottom-up
     146= Closed Tickets =