
Version 30 (modified by etourigny, 13 years ago) ( diff )


NetCDF Improvements

This page is for information regarding improvements to the GDAL NetCDF driver.

For information on the current NetCDF driver, please consult:


UNIDATA NetCDF Conventions

UNIDATA recommends the use of the CF Conventions (NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions) where applicable.
It is intended that this driver fully support the CF-1.5 Conventions for import and export and COARDS for import. Provisions should be taken for back-wards compatibility with different CF-1.x versions.

Issues with the current implementation

  • NetCDF created by GDAL not CF-1.0 compliant for geographical grids (issue #2129) - fixed in trunk
  • netcdf driver does not read and write CF-1.0 coordinate system properly for projected CRS (issue #2893) - mostly fixed in trunk
    • support for read and write of projected coordinate values - fixed
    • export std_parallel variables into a single standard_parallel netcdf attribute - fixed
    • add proper datum import and export support - fixed
    • issues with specific projections:
  • add CF compliance checker to the autotests (issue #4233) - fixed
  • support "coordinates" attribute for projections which are not supported by GDAL/PROJ.4 (i.e rotated pole) (issues #4285 and #4251)


GDAL and NetCDF support metadata in different ways, which should be harmonised.

Issues with the current implementation

  • The import process does not use the Conventions attribute and does not consider different possible Conventions (COARDS, CF-1.0, CF-1.5, etc.)
  • netcdf history global attribute should be updated. Does GDAL offer a history mechanism? - needs new function in gdal.h
  • CF-version of file read could be kept in an internal variable, as well as CF-version for file creation - in trunk CF-1.5 is exported

Issues that have been resolved (in trunk)

  • Duplication in Metadata when translating from NetCDF to NetCDF (issue #4204)
  • metadata from a NetCDF variable should be stored inside the GDAL Band metadata, instead of a global metadata item (issue #4211)
  • NetCDF variable name is lost when imported into GDAL (issue #4211)
  • Floating-point metadata in netcdf file is converted to GDAL metadata as string without sufficient precision (issue #4211)
  • GDAL version saved in GDAL global attribute

Datum issues

CF supports Datum information but does not specify how datum ids (such as those found in EPSG codes) should be stored in the netcdf file

  • Which datum should be set when there is no datum information at all in a netcdf file? WGS84 or none?
  • How to export datum information that is present in a GDAL file, in a way that it can be restored later? - current codes uses spatial_ref
  • Import should correctly set appropriate CRS/datum information (e.g. WGS84) from the information in the netcdf file, when sufficient information is available. - in trunk compares WKT and CF grid_mapping and checks for conflict. There are issues with auto-detecting named CRS/datum based on spheroid only.

Dimension/grid issues

  • The driver should handle properly a time and Z-axis in a way that they they are not lost when importing and exporting.
  • Add support for irregular grids (bug #1894)

I/O issues

  • Disabled PAM support, as it created incompatibilities and metadata duplication. Will re-enable once things are settled - #4244 and #4245
  • Support Create() method so that gdalwarp can be used on a netcdf file - #4221 (committed to trunk)
  • Fix access to different netcdf file types: nc (classic), nc2 (64-bit) and nc4 (NetCDF4 with HDF5 support) - #3890 and #2379
  • Add option for file type (nc,nc2,nc4) at export (#3166) -> fixed in trunk, but needs Win32 support and autotests
  • Support compressed netcdf (DEFLATE with NC4 or NC4C)
  • fix the y-axis for import and export (issues #4251 and #4284) - in trunk option for bottom-up
  • support packed data (with add_offset and scale_factor) transparently (see bug #3797) - will not implement as no sufficient need
  • support for signed/unsigned Byte data - #4221 (committed to trunk)


I/O issues

Various bugs that need fixing

  • support import of unequally-spaced grids
  • support of lon/lat grids from CF grids which are not supported
  • can we define dim vars before band vars, without performance hit? ncenddef??
  • should we set NO_FILL for performance gain? nc_set_fill(ncid, NC_NOFILL, &old_fill_mode);
  • implement setmetadata and setmetadataitem, tricky because other nc attributes are already written to file

Compatibility with other software

The driver should be compatible for import and/or export (with proper visualisation) with at least the following software:

  • ncdump from UNIDATA netcdf
  • CF compliance checker
  • ncview
  • GrADS - Grid Analysis and Display System
  • CDO - Climate Data Operator
  • NCO - netCDF Operators
  • TDS - THREDDS Data Server (i.e. ensure its WCS and WMS capabilities work)
    • ncWMS - ncWMS is the package that TDS uses for WMS presentation of NetCDF files, also includes the GODIVA web viewer for same.
  • others to come...

Test files

A place should be set up to store NetCDF sample files, provided they are free under the terms of .
Large files will be available at .
Having small (typically < or ~ 10 KB ) sample files is also good so they can be directly included in SVN under the autotest/gdrivers/data directory and thus easily used by regression tests.


  • Contributors are welcome and could be identified here in 3 categories: Ideas/reporting, testing, and/or development.
  • Discussions can take place here or the mailing list with the title "NetCDF Improvements"
  • Tickets can be used to track the implementation of specific items and bugfixes.
  • Backward compatibility issues, in particular with respect to files produced by older GDAL versions, might require voting, as in details

Proposed changes that affect interface or backward compatibility

(Note: this linked page may be turned into an RFC if needed)


I (etiennesky) have created this wiki entry after a discussion in the gdal-dev mailing list (Subject: discussion on improvements to the NetCDF driver and CF-1 convention). Even made a number of suggestions which I have followed (I also shamelessly copied some of his wording).
I encourage interested parties in participating in this discussion here and in the mailing list. In particular, it would be useful to collect information on contributors and obtain test files with issues and the expected outcome. Simple files can also be included in order to test for regression issues in the future.

Regards, etiennesky - Aug. 28

Open Tickets

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