Opened 6 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#7207 closed defect (wontfix)

API: C++ destructors should be usable

Reported by: blarg Owned by: blarg
Priority: normal Milestone: closed_because_of_github_migration
Component: default Version: svn-trunk
Severity: normal Keywords: api
Cc: antonio

Description (last modified by blarg)

There are several places where the C++ API documentation says destructors should not be called, and supplies alternate de-allocator functions, for example and

This is an unfortunate API convention, which greatly hinders use of several common C++ idioms, such as RAII. It would be much better if C++ destructors were usable in the usual way.

I believe I can guess what the original problem was, which prompted creation of these APIs (mixing runtime libraries on Win32 and consequently allocating instances in one heap, then attempting to deallocate them on another heap, yielding heap corruption and thus crashes). However I would rather not guess. Is there a ticket, RFC or mailing list thread about the problem(s) which prompted creation of these APIs?

If my guess as to the original problem is correct, then I think there exist superior solutions - specifically, creation of per-class 'operator delete' operator overloads.

In any case, a way should be found for developers to use the GDAL C++ API in the same way they use other C++ APIs and the usual way one writes C++, so the GDAL API does not appear strange and surprising to them.

Change History (10)

comment:1 by blarg, 6 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by Even Rouault, 6 years ago

Yes that originates from cross-heap issues on win32

comment:3 by Even Rouault, 6 years ago

Keywords: api added
Summary: C++ destructors should be usableAPI: C++ destructors should be usable

comment:4 by blarg, 6 years ago

Keywords: api removed
Summary: API: C++ destructors should be usableC++ destructors should be usable

Yes, I guessed that, but rather than set up my own test case, I would rather re-create the original problem case that prompted creation of these APIs.

If the original problem case is lost in the sands of GDAL pre-history, that's fine :-) I have (sadly) encountered this sort of problem often enough that I can create it at will.

But if you know of an RFC, mailing list thread, or ticket about this, please share. I couldn't find anything, but maybe I was looking in the wrong places or the wrong way.

I would rather prove that I've solved the real-world problem which caused these APIs to be created, than show that I've solved an artificial problem of my own creation, which I claim (without proof) is isomorphic to the original real-world problem.

comment:5 by blarg, 6 years ago

Keywords: api added

comment:6 by blarg, 6 years ago

FYI, here's a good discussion of the details of C++'s 'operator delete', which is the best possible solution to this problem I've found so far:

The other possible (partial) solution would be to ensure that constructors and destructors are always either a) all inlined, or b) never inlined. This would be significantly inferior, but perhaps still acceptable.

comment:7 by blarg, 6 years ago

Er, and I would like to add, this is horrible C++ black magic. I do not pretend otherwise :-)

comment:8 by blarg, 6 years ago

Summary: C++ destructors should be usableAPI: C++ destructors should be usable

comment:9 by antonio, 6 years ago

Cc: antonio added

comment:10 by Even Rouault, 5 years ago

Milestone: closed_because_of_github_migration
Resolution: wontfix
Status: assignedclosed

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