Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#7140 closed defect (duplicate)

[AutoCAD DXF] Incorrect processing of INSERT with negative extrusion

Reported by: TomHarvey86 Owned by: warmerdam
Priority: normal Milestone: 2.3.0
Component: OGR_SF Version: unspecified
Severity: normal Keywords:


I have a problem when converting DXF to GeoJSON. Attached is a simplified DXF file which was a 2D building floor plan that I have removed all other objects except 2 to highlight the problem. It has 2 INSERTS (which are desks/tables). One desk has the Z extrusion set to -1 which has the effect of mirroring it so the 2 desks sit back to back. However when it get's converted to GeoJSON the negative extrusion is ignored and the mirrored desk is placed in the wrong location and orientation.

This is the command i'm using: ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" -s_srs "epsg:27700" -t_srs "epsg:4326" sample_output.json sample_input.dxf

I think this may be similar to this issue

I'm unsure of the version as I'm using the windows binary that is compiled with GISInternals (release-1500-gdal-2-2-1-mapserver-7-0-6 2017-08-19 00:32:41)

Let me know if you need more info. Thanks

Attachments (1)

sample_input.dxf (689.2 KB ) - added by TomHarvey86 7 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

by TomHarvey86, 7 years ago

Attachment: sample_input.dxf added

comment:1 by Alan Thomas, 7 years ago

Component: OGR_SRSOGR_SF
Milestone: 2.3.0
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

This has been fixed in trunk, r40523 (#7077):

  Layer (String) = A_781_WORKTOPS
  SubClasses (String) = AcDbEntity:AcDbBlockReference
  ExtendedEntity (String) =    100      1
  EntityHandle (String) = 2ACA
  Style = PEN(c:#ff00ff)
  MULTILINESTRING Z ((5140.0 -28782.0 0,4390.0 -28782.0 0),(4390.0 -30282.0 0,5140.0 -30282.0 0),(5140.0 -28782.0 0,5140.0 -30282.0 0),(4390.0 -28782.0 0,4390.0 -30282.0 0),(4940.0 -28782.0 0,4940.0 -30282.0 0))

  Layer (String) = A_781_WORKTOPS
  SubClasses (String) = AcDbEntity:AcDbBlockReference
  ExtendedEntity (String) =    100      1
  EntityHandle (String) = 2ACB
  Style = PEN(c:#ff00ff)
  MULTILINESTRING Z ((5140.0 -28782.0 0,5890.0 -28782.0 0),(5890.0 -30282.0 0,5140.0 -30282.0 0),(5140.0 -28782.0 0,5140.0 -30282.0 0),(5890.0 -28782.0 0,5890.0 -30282.0 0),(5340.0 -28782.0 0,5340.0 -30282.0 0))
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