Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#6815 closed enhancement (fixed)

Update makgdal_gen.bat to generate project for autotest/cpp

Reported by: Mateusz Łoskot Owned by: Mateusz Łoskot
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: ConfigBuild Version: svn-trunk
Severity: normal Keywords:


This patch updates makgdal_gen.bat to:

  1. Generate separate .vcxproj file for GDAL C++ tests
    • The new project is created only if autotest/cpp folder exists (ie. source code tree downloaded from SVN/Git repo)
  2. Add CPL_DEBUG and GDAL_DATA variables to LocalDebuggerEnvironment in .user file.
  3. Use setlocal to keep the command prompt environment clean.
  4. Update list of subfolders excluded from the main project.
  5. Clean up / clarify usage instructions.

I'll appreciate review of my changes.

Next, I'd like to propose renaming of the script from makegdal_gen.bat to generate_vcxproj.bat, so the name reflects the purpose.

If we agree to rename it, I will update the Wiki pages where the old name occurs.

Change History (10)

comment:1 by Mateusz Łoskot, 8 years ago

Ups, I'm not being allowed to submit any files. Reported to admins:

comment:2 by Mateusz Łoskot, 8 years ago

Cc: ilucena removed
Owner: changed from warmerdam to ilucena

comment:3 by Mateusz Łoskot, 8 years ago

Due to problems with attaching the patch I decided to submit the changes via GitHub PR:

comment:4 by ilucena, 8 years ago

I haven't tried but I trust it will work fine since Mateusz is the primary user of that. The name change is also a good idea.

comment:5 by Mateusz Łoskot, 8 years ago

@ilucena Yes, I use it myself and it works. I will merge into trunk. Thanks.

I will also rename.

I also have an idea to update the script so it generates a basic .sln file with the two .vcxproj attached. I may add it later, separate commit.

comment:6 by Mateusz Łoskot, 8 years ago

Patch committed to trunk in r37389

comment:7 by Mateusz Łoskot, 8 years ago

Renamed makegdal_gen.bat to generate_vcxproj.bat in SVN trunk r37390

comment:8 by Mateusz Łoskot, 8 years ago

Wiki pages updated.

The current page is wiki:GeneratingVisualStudioProject

comment:9 by Mateusz Łoskot, 8 years ago

Owner: changed from ilucena to Mateusz Łoskot

comment:10 by Mateusz Łoskot, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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