Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#6447 closed defect

ogr2ogr does not find table when using "§", "ß", "ö", "ä" or "ü" characters in the qualified identifier — at Initial Version

Reported by: hansw Owned by: warmerdam
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: default Version: svn-trunk
Severity: major Keywords: ogr2ogr ISO-8859-1 characters table qualified identifier



I'm using GDAL 2.1.0beta1, (released 2016/04/01) under Windows 7 x64. Source

I'm exporting geodata from from a Spatialite table to a Schapfile using the comandline. It usualy works fine exept when there is a "§", "ß", "ö", "ä" or "ü" in the table name. Here is my comand line:

ogr2ogr.exe -f "ESRI Shapefile" "C:\exportTest.shp" "C:\importTest.sqlite" -lco "ENCODING=ISO-8859-1" -lco "SPATIAL_INDEX=YES" -sql "SELECT \"exportTest.the_geom\" AS \"the_geom\", \"\" AS \"id\" FROM \"straßenExport\";" -t_srs "EPSG:4326"

Then following error message appears:

ERROR 1: In ExecuteSQL(): sqlite3_prepare(SELECT "exportTest.the_geom" AS "the_geom", "" AS "id" FROM "straßenExport";):,   no such table: straßenExport

When using "§", "ö", "ä" or "ü" in the column name there is no error message but the export of this column does not work properly too. In my case the values of this attribute are overwritten with the original column name.

They are valid ISO-8859-1 characters and not UTF-8 only. I don't understand why they create this issues. As I used qualified identifiers the use of an them in the table name should not be a problem. GDAL > 2.0.0 supports qualified identifiers.

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