Opened 20 years ago

Last modified 20 years ago

#519 closed enhancement (wontfix)

gdal_translate deprecate '-a_srs' for '-prj' or '-projdef'

Reported by: matt.wilkie@… Owned by: warmerdam
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: GDAL_Raster Version: unspecified
Severity: minor Keywords:


For gdal_translate the "-a_srs" command line option for overriding the output
projection definition is hard to remember as it is non-sensical outside a small
group of experts. It would be better to use "prj" or "proj" as projection is a
term in much wider use, more people know it.

gdal_warp uses -t_srs and -s_srs for target and source projection definitions
respectively.  Even if the request to use prj instead of srs is rejected, at
least harmonize the options between the utilities; change -a_srs to -t_srs for

Change History (2)

comment:1 by warmerdam, 20 years ago


I wouldn't want to change -a_srs to -t_srs because -a_srs means "assign SRS"
while -t_srs means "target SRS" which in my mind implies the target of a 

SRS is actually more correct than proj since SRS includes projections and
non-projected coordinate systems like geographic coordinates. 

In short, while I appreciate the feedback I am not going to act on either 

comment:2 by matt.wilkie@…, 20 years ago

ahhh, assign, source and target, that makes sense. Maybe it would help if that
was spelled out in the docs, something like this:

* a_srs srs_def: Assign the Spatial Reference Set (projection) for the output
file. The srs_def may be any of the usual GDAL/OGR forms, complete WKT, PROJ.4,
EPSG:n or a file containing the wkt.

I still think using prj instead of srs is a good idea. Even you are using the
term "projection" instead of "spatial reference set" on that page. :)

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