Automatically generated page, do not modify. User-contributed notes can be created at: Widgets/BufferPanelUsageNotes |
Widget: BufferPanel ¶
This widget will perform a buffering operation on selected features in the Map. Either a popup window or the task pane will be used to gather user input, depending on the setting of the Target parameter
Usage Notes ¶
See: Widgets/BufferPanelUsageNotes
Common Widget Properties ¶
- Label : Buffer
- Tooltip : Click to create a buffer
- ImageUrl : images/icons/buffer.png
- StandardUi : true
- ContainableBy : Any
Parameters ¶
Target ¶
- Label : Target
- Type : target
- Description : The frame, window, or TaskPane in which to display any UI for the widget. If empty, a new window is used
- IsMandatory : true
- DefaultValue : TaskPane
Last modified
17 years ago
Last modified on 04/03/08 03:25:54
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