Opened 12 years ago

#857 new defect

ParseWKT isn't locale-independent

Reported by: male99it Owned by: gregboone
Priority: major Milestone: 3.8.0
Component: FDO API Version: 3.8.0
Severity: 3 Keywords: locale-independent
Cc: External ID:

Description ΒΆ

The parse of the WKT string isn't locale-independent. If the locale isn't english (ex: italian), the conversion from WKT to Geometry (ex: FdoIGeometry *pGeometry = pGeometryFactory->CreateGeometry(sWKT)) lose the decimal (only in release version).

To correct I have replace in method getnumber of files "Fdo\Unmanaged\Src\Geometry\Parse\LexFgft.cpp" and "Fdo\Unmanaged\Src\Fdo\Parse\Lex.cpp", the use of function _wtof whit _wtof_l (_locale_t init to "C")

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