Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#733 closed defect (fixed)

GenericRdbms: Premature property finalization on ApplySchema

Reported by: brentrobinson Owned by: brentrobinson
Priority: minor Milestone: 3.6.0
Component: GenericRdbms API Version: 3.6.0
Severity: 3 Keywords: ApplySchema property modify schema overrides
Cc: External ID:



  • Create a database in SQL Server 2008
  • Create a table in the database, using the attached sql script
  • Using attached cpp file as a starter, create an FDO API application that:
    • connects to the above database
    • Performs a DescribeSchema and retrieve the class for the table.
    • sets descriptions on the class properties
    • Does a DescribeSchemaMappings to get the logical to physical schema mappings
    • Creates an ApplySchema command which applies the property modifications along with the schema mappings.

The ApplySchema will fail with the following exception message:

Cannot update logicalPhysical element: 'dbo:FeatureClass1.Geometry", it has already been finalized

This would also happen for the MySQL and PostgreSQL providers.

Attachments (2)

defect1296122.cpp (1.1 KB ) - added by brentrobinson 14 years ago.
defect1296122.sql (528 bytes ) - added by brentrobinson 14 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

by brentrobinson, 14 years ago

Attachment: defect1296122.cpp added

by brentrobinson, 14 years ago

Attachment: defect1296122.sql added

comment:1 by brentrobinson, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Revision: 5841 Author: brentrobinson Date: 11:01:06 AM, Thursday, December 02, 2010 Message: Ticket#733: added Get_ColumnName() function to FdoSmLpSimplePropertyDefinition. This function does not finalize the property but simply returns the property's column name. Call GetColumnName() in FdoSmLpGrdDataPropertyDefinition::Update() to prevent property finalizing before schema update complete.

Modified : /trunk/Providers/GenericRdbms/Src/SchemaMgr/Lp/DataPropertyDefinition.cpp Modified : /trunk/Providers/GenericRdbms/Src/UnitTest/Common/FdoApplySchemaTest.cpp Modified : /trunk/Providers/GenericRdbms/Src/UnitTest/Common/FdoApplySchemaTest.h Modified : /trunk/Providers/GenericRdbms/Src/UnitTest/apply_schema_foreign1_master.txt Modified : /trunk/Providers/GenericRdbms/Src/UnitTest/apply_schema_foreign2_master.txt Added : /trunk/Providers/GenericRdbms/Src/UnitTest/apply_schema_overrides4_master.txt Modified : /trunk/Utilities/SchemaMgr/Inc/Sm/Lp/SimplePropertyDefinition.h Modified : /trunk/Utilities/SchemaMgr/Src/Sm/Lp/SimplePropertyDefinition.cpp

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