Opened 15 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#566 closed defect (fixed)

FDO: FDO XML Parser Cannot handle schemas with missing xmlns tags

Reported by: gregboone Owned by: gregboone
Priority: major Milestone: 3.4.0
Component: FDO API Version: 3.4.0
Severity: 2 Keywords:
Cc: External ID: 1087759


This is a bit of a workaround to get schemas from MapGuide 2009 to parse correctly. I found that the GetFeature responses from MapGuide were not returning any URI Information. Unfortunately this caused the entire parse to fail as the parsing of Features is tied off of the URI identifier for schema and class retrieval. In an attempt to enable continued parsing, a workaround will be added to search through the available schemas to identify the schema name based on the use of the 'name' element being parsed being the class name. This does work in limited scenarios. There is the chance for failure if the same class exists in multiple schemas. If multiple schemas are matched to a class name the workaround will be abandoned since it will not be possible to determine which schema the class actually conforms with.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by gregboone, 15 years ago

Severity: 32
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by gregboone, 15 years ago

Summary: FDO: FDO XML Parser Cannot handle schemas with missing xlmns tagsFDO: FDO XML Parser Cannot handle schemas with missing xmlns tags

comment:3 by waltweltonlair, 15 years ago

Workaround submitted to trunk stream: r5009.

comment:4 by waltweltonlair, 15 years ago

Workaround submitted to 3.4 branch stream: r5013.

comment:5 by jng, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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