Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#551 closed enhancement (fixed)

ArcSDE Provider: Port to ArcSDE 9.3.1

Reported by: brentrobinson Owned by: brentrobinson
Priority: major Milestone: 3.5.0
Component: ArcSDE Provider Version: 3.5.0
Severity: 2 Keywords: ArcSDE 9.3.1
Cc: External ID:


Upgrade the ArcSDE provider to work with ArcSDE 9.3.1 servers

Change History (3)

comment:1 by brentrobinson, 16 years ago

Status: newassigned

Revision: 4895 Author: brentrobinson Date: 11:05:32 AM, Monday, August 24, 2009 Message: Ticket#551: TModifies the ArcSDE provider (windows 32bit) to work with ArcSDE 9.3 (particularly 9.3.1).

ArcSdeCreateSpatialContext - set auth_srid for new spatial contexts. ArcSDE 9.3 ignores auth_name when auth_srid is not set. auth_name is where the spatial context name is stored.

ArcSdeUtils::convert_fgf_to_sde_shape - duplicate coordref, for geometry, from geometry column. This ensures that the geometry has the same coordinate system as its column.

Modified : /trunk/Providers/ArcSDE/Src/Provider/ArcSDECreateSpatialContext.cpp Modified : /trunk/Providers/ArcSDE/Src/Provider/ArcSDEUtils.cpp Modified : /trunk/Providers/ArcSDE/Src/UnitTest/BasicInsertTests.cpp Modified : /trunk/Providers/ArcSDE/Src/UnitTest/ExpressionFunction.cpp Modified : /trunk/Providers/ArcSDE/Src/UnitTest/ExpressionFunction.h Modified : /trunk/Utilities/TestCommon/Inc/TestCommonExpressionFunction.h Modified : /trunk/Utilities/TestCommon/Inc/TestCommonExpressionFunctionW.h Modified : /trunk/Utilities/TestCommon/Src/TestCommonExpressionFunction.cpp Modified : /trunk/Utilities/TestCommon/Src/TestCommonExpressionFunctionW.cpp

comment:2 by brentrobinson, 16 years ago

Revision: 4899 Author: brentrobinson Date: 9:55:14 AM, Tuesday, August 25, 2009 Message: Ticket#551: worked around an issue that appeared in ArcSDE 9.3.1. If a user does not have the log system tables yet and an attempt to create them is made, the create will fail if a transaction is currently active. This was resolved by doing the following when the log file create fails:

create a temporary connection and create the table log through this connection. This will prime the log system tables. Close the temporary connection.

Retry creating the log through the main connection.

If either of the above steps fail then the exception for the original failure is rethrown.

Modified : /trunk/Providers/ArcSDE/Src/Provider/ArcSDEConnection.cpp Modified : /trunk/Providers/ArcSDE/Src/Provider/ArcSDEConnection.h Modified : /trunk/Providers/ArcSDE/Src/Provider/ArcSDEDeleteCommand.cpp Modified : /trunk/Providers/ArcSDE/Src/Provider/ArcSDEFeatureReader.cpp Modified : /trunk/Providers/ArcSDE/Src/Provider/ArcSDEReleaseLockCommand.cpp Modified : /trunk/Providers/ArcSDE/Src/Provider/ArcSDEUpdateCommand.cpp

comment:3 by gregboone, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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