Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#125 closed enhancement (fixed)

Running an inverse of the multiple regression transformation might produce a datum shift warning when near to the coverage's boundary

Reported by: baertelchen Owned by: baertelchen
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Library Version:
Keywords: multiple regression inverse transformation datum shift warning Cc:


When running the inverse of a multiple regression transformation, the [CS_dtcvt()] function might produce an "unnecessary" datum shift warning - the maximum number of iteration values defined in the GeodeticTransformation.asc dictionary are too small.

Also, the [CSmulrgI3()] currently breaks up the (forward) iterative transformation loop in case the [CSmulrgF3()] itself used a fallback method (these are currently Molodensky, 6 or 7 parameter transformation). Instead, the fallback's result should be used as the input for the next iteration cycle.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by baertelchen, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in changeset 2193 (on behalf of Norm)

When running an inverse of a multiple regression transformation near at the coverage's boundary, a datum shift warning might be returned - even if the transformation would have converged with an increased number of maximum iterations.

This submission applies the following fixes:

1) Increase the MAX_ITR values from 8 to 12 for all MULREG transformations in [GeodeticTransformation.asc]
2) Change the [CSmulrgI3()] so it does no longer break out of the inverse transformation iteration loop in case the [CSmulrgF3] itself has used a fallback. Instead, the returned value is used as the input for the next iteration.
3) Don't make calls to the multiple regression's fallback in case the inverse that has been run before didn't succeed. That's (indirectly) done already when calling [CSmulrgF3] in the iterative inverse calculation before.

This submission contains a couple of more updates for the [GeodeticTransformation.asc] file:

A) Change the [NAD83_to_HARN/02] to use the [wshpgn.l?s] and [eshpgn.l?s] grid files instead of [hihpgn.l?s] which is for Hawaii.
B) Added "placeholder" grid files (i.e. commented out) to the transformations [NAD27_to_NAD83], [RGF93_to_NTF-G-Grid] and [RGF93_to_NTF-G-Grid-ClrkIGN].
For these, the CSMAP SVN repository doesn't contain the grid files - but they are needed to run the transformations successfully.

Submitting on behalf of Norm

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