Opened 13 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#19 closed defect (invalid)

upgrade qgis to 1.7.2 breaks python (using ubuntugis-unstable repos)

Reported by: etourigny Owned by: ubuntu@…
Component: QGIS Severity: serious
Keywords: upgrade qgis python Cc:


This issue has been discussed recently on the qgis-user mailing

"Critical problems with 1.7.2 from ubuntu binaries" list.

After updating to 1.7.2 in ubuntu 10.4 LTS using the
ubuntugis-unstable repo, the CRS cannot be set:
"Could not open CRS database /resources/srs.db<br>Error(14): unable to
open database file!

and almost all plugins are gone (including plugin installer).


I also had the same problem, using Ubuntu 11.04

It seems the workaround is to uninstall QGis and re-install.

The following packages were around (even after the re-install)

 dpkg -l | grep qgis
ii  libqgis1.7.0                                      1.7.0~natty1                                      Quantum GIS - shared libraries
ii  libqgis1.7.1                                      1.7.1-1~natty1                                    Quantum GIS - shared libraries
ii  libqgis1.7.2                                      1.7.2-1~natty1                                    Quantum GIS - shared libraries
ii  python-qgis                                       1.7.2-1~natty1                                    Python bindings to Quantum GIS
ii  python-qgis-common                                1.7.2-1~natty1                                    Python bindings to Quantum GIS - architecture-independent files
ii  qgis                                              1.7.2-1~natty1                                    Geographic Information System (GIS)
ii  qgis-common                                       1.7.2-1~natty1                                    Quantum GIS - architecture-independent data
ii  qgis-plugin-grass                                 1.7.2-1~natty1                                    GRASS plugin for Quantum GIS
ii  qgis-plugin-grass-common                          1.7.2-1~natty1                                    GRASS plugin for Quantum GIS - architecture-independent data
ii  qgis-providers                                    1.7.2-1~natty1                                    collection of data providers to Quantum GIS
ii  qgis-providers-common                             1.7.2-1~natty1                                    collection of data providers to Quantum GIS - architecture-independent files

A possible fix would be ro remove old libqgis-1.7.x packages (marking them as conflicting), or better yet only have one libqgis package. There is no need to keep various versions of libqgis, as this causes a conflict in the python bindings.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Bas Couwenberg, 8 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Apparently nobody handles Trac tickets any more, closing this ancient issue.

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