Opened 13 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#14 closed defect (invalid)

QGIS 1.7.0. no tiff support in Ubuntu 11.04 with ubuntugis gdal (1.8.0)

Reported by: mayeulk Owned by: ubuntu@…
Component: QGIS Severity: grave
Keywords: qgis geotif Cc:


libgdal1-dev for Natty from ubuntugis now provides gdal 1.8.0 only which seems not compatible with the code base or some package (does the code links to libtiff 3.X ?) Trying to open a geotif from latest Quantum-GIS-3eb0d66 (release-1_7_0 downloaded Sunday 15 May at 13:08) gives:

"/path/file.tif is not a valid or recognized data source WARNING ! libtiff version mismatch : You're linking against libtiff 3.X but GDAL has been compiled against libtiff >= 4.0.0"

The guys from orfeo toolbox seems to have the same issue since about 11th of May, when "gdal 1.8 debian package has been pushed to ubuntugis-unstable repository for all ubuntu versions." The consequence being "the otb packages cannot open a TIFF any more". See:

Installed is: libtiff4-dev (3.9.4-5ubuntu6)

jef says this is a bug in ubuntugis ; see

Change History (3)

comment:1 by rouault, 13 years ago

See GDAL upstream ticket and commits :

comment:2 by mayeulk, 13 years ago

Thanks. Are there plans to propagate this to ubuntugis gdal ?

comment:3 by Bas Couwenberg, 8 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Apparently nobody handles Trac tickets any more, closing this ancient issue.

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