Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#1710 closed bug (wontfix)

wms (mapserver) and postgis: the layer is not added

Reported by: lutra Owned by: mhugent
Priority: major: does not work as expected Milestone: Version 1.2.0
Component: WMS Version: Trunk
Keywords: wms, postgis Cc: cavallini@…
Must Fix for Release: Yes Platform: Debian
Platform Version: Ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04 Awaiting user input: no


I configured a mapserver/wms server and I noticed that if in the mapfile a layer is specified as a postgis layer it doesn't appear in the layout when is added. At the beginning I supposed to be a problem in the mapfile, but then I made tests with two other clients (gvSIG and uDIG) and the layer appeared correctly.

I tested on Ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04 Qgis from 1.0.2 to 1.1 (from repository) and 1.2 (compiled from trunk today) and all presented the same behavior.

if you need to do tests you can use the following address

in the available layers you'll see

"country" is a shapefile

"Cont_Freg_v2" is a shapefile

"topo_c" is postgis

"avif" is postgis

"ferrovias" is a shapefile

postgis layers are defined as the following

      NAME  "avif"
            "wms_title"   "Avifauna"
            "wms_abstract"  "Zonas de Protecção Especial para a Avifauna"
      TYPE           POLYGON
      STATUS         ON
      CONNECTION     "user=*** password=*** dbname=*** host=localhost port=5432"
      CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
      DATA           "the_geom from avif"
      DUMP           TRUE
         NAME        "Avifauna"
                OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
                COLOR 70 123 20

Change History (2)

comment:1 by lutra, 15 years ago

update: if the project is defined in wgs84 and the layers are added consequently, they show up correctly.

comment:2 by mhugent, 15 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

This is a bug in the configuration of the WMS server. The lat/long bounding box is given as:

<LatLonBoundingBox minx="-177.127" miny="-8.21058e+17" maxx="171.967" maxy="2.93579e+13" />

Consequently, QGIS asks this extent if it is the first layer added to the project. The server then tells, that it cannot deliver this extent.

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