Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#1396 closed bug (fixed)

PostGIS add table dialog is unfriendly when determining layer geometry types

Reported by: gjm Owned by: nobody
Priority: minor: annoyance Milestone: Version 1.0.3
Component: Data Provider Version: Trunk
Keywords: Cc:
Must Fix for Release: No Platform: All
Platform Version: Awaiting user input: no


The Add PostGIS Table dialog box determines the type of each possible layer independently of displaying the list of possible layers, and then updates the 'Type' column in the dialog as the layer geometry type becomes available.

For one of my databases, where there are several layers in different schema and on a slowish PostGIS server, it can take several seconds to determine all of the layer types.

When the dialog is first displayed, all of the schema tree items are expanded. However, each time the type of a layer changes from 'Waiting' to the actual type, the schema tree is collapsed. If I'm quick enough and un-collapse it, the next row that gets it's geometry type updated causes a collapse again. That's rather unfriendly!

Change History (2)

comment:1 by gjm, 15 years ago

Seems as if this is a bug in Qt v4.4.0 that is fixed in more recent versions. I found the problem on the Windows Kore-preview1 version of qgis which is using Qt 4.4.0. It seems that Preview 2 uses Qt 4.4.0 too. This bug can be closed once Qgis moves beyond using Qt 4.4.0 (on windows that is).

comment:2 by mhugent, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Qt 4.4.0 seems to be a long way back. So I guess we may close this ticket. Please reopen it if I'm wrong.

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