Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#1087 closed enhancement (fixed)

adding postgis data with geometry field based on a domain and not a simple geometry type

Reported by: zawardo Owned by: jef
Priority: major: does not work as expected Milestone:
Component: Data Provider Version:
Keywords: postgis domain Cc:
Must Fix for Release: No Platform: Windows
Platform Version: 0.10 Awaiting user input: yes


I've noticed a strange behaviour when adding a postgis layer into the project: i connect to my db and i can only select the tables with a geometry field definied by a simple geometry type. If i want to add a table which have the geometry field definied as a domain (geometry type plus some checks) it is not recognized as an addable data. Since i'm going to use a rather large postgis dataset heavy domain-dependent and i'd have appreciated to use qgis with that data it's quite an issue for me. Are you planning to support postgis domain types anytime soon? thank you very much for your work.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by jef, 16 years ago

Awaiting user input: set
Owner: changed from nobody to jef

Could you provide a SQL script to create your table?

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by zawardo, 16 years ago

Replying to jef:

Could you provide a SQL script to create your table?

of course:

CREATE DOMAIN check_prova1

AS geometry

CONSTRAINT essere_2d CHECK ((dimension(VALUE) = 0)) CONSTRAINT proiezione CHECK ((srid(VALUE) = 668)) CONSTRAINT essere_punto CHECK ((geometrytype(VALUE) = 'POINT'::text));


id integer, the_geom check_prova1


However i just noticed that manually adding che table into the geometry _columns table, makes it visible into the qgis environment:)

It still would be fine if it was recognized even if not present in the geometry _columns (like other tables with simple geometry type).

Thank you!

comment:3 by jef, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
Type: defectenhancement

r8440 adds support for domain types that directly base on the geometry type. domains that base on such domains are still unsupported.

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by jef, 16 years ago

Replying to jef:

r8440 adds support for domain types that directly base on the geometry type. domains that base on such domains are still unsupported.


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