Opened 10 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
#3227 closed enhancement (fixed)
Support for Tiger 2015
Reported by: | robe | Owned by: | robe |
Priority: | high | Milestone: | PostGIS 2.2.0 |
Component: | tiger geocoder | Version: | master |
Keywords: | history | Cc: |
Description ¶
Tiger 2015 data came out a couple of days ago
I asked on postgis devel a while agao that if it came out before PostGIS 2.2 release, can I package it in. Bborie was the only one to respond and was okay with it. So I take it that though this is an enhancement I can push it in
Change History (21)
comment:1 by , 10 years ago
comment:2 by , 10 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
Looks like a good chunk of the states are up. I only tested for MA and made some corrections to tabblock. Everything else seemed same.
Committed at r13906
comment:3 by , 10 years ago
Resolution: | fixed |
Status: | closed → reopened |
I tried walking through the install, using the "no extension" version of the dev docs.. I got stuck.. and, I have done this before.. close #3227 and open a docs ticket perhaps, BUT so far no one has verified this fix, so closing the ticket is not good practice..
# Here are some notes on the process
NOTES for robe2 on TIGER 2015 14aug15 -dbb --------------------------------------- online docs: following the no-extension part of the doc... BUG: actual path is extras/tiger_geocoder doc shows postgis_trunk$ cd postgis-2.2.0dev/extras/tiger_geocoder/tiger_2011 -- dir structure is new, doc needs updating ##------------------------------------------------- ENHANCEMENT: in the user-configured script tiger_loader_2015.sql default location on Debian/ubuntu for $BIN is /usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/ /usr/lib/postgresql/9.X/bin/ PSQL=${PGBIN}/psql shoud be PSQL=`which psql` similarly with PSQL_CMD=`which psql` PGCONTRIB=/usr/share/postgresql/9.4/contrib BUG: should end with a newline BUG tl_test0=# SELECT pprint_addy(normalize_address('202 East Fremont Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101')) As pretty_address; ERROR: function normalize_address(unknown) does not exist LINE 1: SELECT pprint_addy(normalize_address('202 East Fremont Stree... ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. at this stage in the sequence, the address_standardizer has not been loaded yet.. next, referring to : line shows tl_test0=# create extension address_standardizer_data_us; CREATE EXTENSION BUT, at this stage.. there is no normalize_address() ?!? where does it happen ? tl_test0=# \df norm* List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type --------+------+------------------+---------------------+------ (0 rows) at this point in the instructions .. I have : * created the database, used CREATE EXTENSION postgis; address_standardizer; address_standardizer_data_us * I edited the file tiger_loader_2015.sql with local settings * executed ./ which executes create_geocode.sql tiger_loader_2015.sql where is normalize_address() ?? ##-------------------------------------------------
comment:4 by , 10 years ago
hmm dump and restore to a 9.3 pg, normalize_address()
is found.. connect back to the original test db, normalize_address()
is found..
tl_test0=# \df norm* List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type --------+-------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+-------- tiger | normalize_address | norm_addy | in_rawinput character varying | normal (1 row)
comment:5 by , 10 years ago
Thanks for the input. I'll address these issues later this weekend.
comment:6 by , 10 years ago
Brian the create_geogcode.sql runs the normalize_address install in addition to other things. Are you all set with that. Wasn't clear from above.
I committed changes at r13907 to address some of the issues you raised. Also changed the default paths for sh to be those of ubuntu/debian. I figure a large majority of Linux users are Ubuntu these days so might as well pattern after that. Eventually I might just add more profiles for different OS since the whole OS thing is a misnomer, and may add windows powershell for those who prefer to use that over standard windows dos shell.
I'm going to spin up my test Ubuntu server and try to test on that before release.
comment:7 by , 10 years ago
in the newest setup, when/where does tables/lookup_tables_xxx.sql
get executed ?
comment:8 by , 10 years ago
should ${PSQL} ${PGDATABASE} -c "CREATE TABLE tiger_data.state_all(CONSTRAINT pk_state_all PRIMARY KEY (statefp),CONSTRAINT uidx_state_all_stusps UNIQUE (stusps), CONSTRAINT uidx_state_all_gid UNIQUE (gid) ) INHERITS(state); "
be ... INHERITS( tiger.state)
comment:9 by , 10 years ago
user@debian8:/gisdata$ cd temp user@debian8:/gisdata/temp$ ${SHP2PGSQL} -D -c -s 4269 -g the_geom -W "latin1" tl_2015_us_state.dbf tiger_staging.state | ${PSQL} ${PGDATABASE} -q Shapefile type: Polygon Postgis type: MULTIPOLYGON[2] addgeometrycolumn ------------------------------------------------------------------ tiger_staging.state.the_geom SRID:4269 TYPE:MULTIPOLYGON DIMS:2 (1 row) ERROR: value too long for type character varying(2) CONTEXT: COPY state, line 1, column region: " [shp2pgsql-core.c:FindPolygons:567] FindPolygons[0]: allocated space for 1 rings" ERROR: relation "tiger_staging.state" does not exist
comment:10 by , 10 years ago
The tables/lookup.. part hasn't changed. It get's run as part of the create_geocode.sql and that sets the search path to tiger, so having to do tiger.state should not be necessary.
Now why you are getting the above error is a complete mystery to me. Do you get the same issues if you install tiger geocoder via extensions with :
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder;
I was thinking of getting rid of the manual scripts since for PostGIS 2.2, we only support PostgreSQL 9.1+, and the manual script is just one more set of things I got to worry about and test.
comment:11 by , 10 years ago
On second thought, I guess just in case users have another state table in their search path, probably a good idea to schema qualify all these tables. I don't plan on changing the schema from tiger for a while so that seems safe.
Now regarding your issue above, I just tried reloading my state and works fine (though perhaps you have another state table and its inheriting from the wrong one). Here is my output for compare:
c:\gisdata\\geo\tiger\TIGER2015\STATE>"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" e c:\gisdata\\geo\tiger\TIGER2015\STATE\ -o\gisdata\temp\ 7-Zip [64] 9.38 beta Copyright (c) 1999-2014 Igor Pavlov 2015-01-03 Processing archive: c:\gisdata\\geo\tiger\TIGER2015\STATE\ Extracting tl_2015_us_state.cpg Extracting tl_2015_us_state.dbf Extracting tl_2015_us_state.prj Extracting tl_2015_us_state.shp Extracting tl_2015_us_state.shp.ea.iso.xml Extracting tl_2015_us_state.shp.iso.xml Extracting tl_2015_us_state.shp.xml Extracting tl_2015_us_state.shx Everything is Ok Files: 8 Size: 14045142 Compressed: 8780814 Kernel Time = 0.000 = 0% User Time = 0.156 = 91% Process Time = 0.156 = 91% Virtual Memory = 2 MB Global Time = 0.170 = 100% Physical Memory = 5 MB c:\gisdata\\geo\tiger\TIGER2015\STATE>cd \gisdata\temp\ c:\gisdata\temp>"C:\ming64gcc48\projects\postgresql\rel\pg9.4w64gcc48edb\bin\psql" -c "CREATE TABLE tiger_data.state_all(CONSTRAINT pk_state_all PRIMARY KEY (statefp),CONSTRAINT uidx_state_all_stusps UNIQUE (stusps), CONSTRAINT uidx_state_all_gid UNIQUE (gid) ) INHERITS(state); " CREATE TABLE c:\gisdata\temp>"C:\ming64gcc48\projects\postgresql\rel\pg9.4w64gcc48edb\bin\shp2pgsql" -D -c -s 4269 -g the_geom -W "latin1" tl_2015_us_state.dbf tiger_staging.state | "C:\ming64gcc48\projects\postgresql\rel\pg9.4w64gcc48edb\bin\psql" Shapefile type: Polygon Postgis type: MULTIPOLYGON[2] SET SET BEGIN CREATE TABLE ALTER TABLE addgeometrycolumn ------------------------------------------------------------------ tiger_staging.state.the_geom SRID:4269 TYPE:MULTIPOLYGON DIMS:2 (1 row) COPY 56 COMMIT ANALYZE c:\gisdata\temp>"C:\ming64gcc48\projects\postgresql\rel\pg9.4w64gcc48edb\bin\psql" -c "SELECT loader_load_staged_data(lower('state'), lower('state_all')); " NOTICE: INSERT INTO tiger_data.state_all(region,division,statefp,statens,stusps,name,lsad,mtfcc,funcstat,aland,awater,intptlat,intptlon,the_geom) SELECT region,division,statefp,statens,stusps,name,lsad,mtfcc,funcstat,aland,awater,intptlat,intptlon,the_geom FROM tiger_staging.state; CONTEXT: SQL function "loader_load_staged_data" statement 1 loader_load_staged_data ------------------------- 56 (1 row) c:\gisdata\temp>"C:\ming64gcc48\projects\postgresql\rel\pg9.4w64gcc48edb\bin\psql" -c "CREATE INDEX tiger_data_state_all_the_geom_gist ON tiger_data.state_all USING gist(the_geom);" CREATE INDEX
comment:12 by , 10 years ago
Okay I updated the code to schema qualify the tables on creation at r13913
See if that fixes your issue.
comment:13 by , 10 years ago
hmm problems .. here is SETUP
user@debian8:/home/shared/srcs_db8/postgis_trunk$ svn up Updating '.': G extras/tiger_geocoder/tiger_loader_2015.sql ... Updated to revision 13913. ... user@debian8:/home/shared/srcs_db8/postgis_trunk$ make distclean ... CFLAGS='-g -O0' CXXFLAGS='-g -O0' ./configure --enable-profile --enable-debug ... make && sudo make install ... shell$ createdb tl_test_ext ; psql tl_test_ext tl_test_ext=# create extension postgis; tl_test_ext=# create extension address_standardizer; tl_test_ext=# create extension address_standardizer_data_us ; tl_test_ext=# create extension fuzzystrmatch ; tl_test_ext=# create extension postgis_tiger_geocoder; tl_test_ext=# SELECT na.address, na.streetname,na.streettypeabbrev, tl_test_ext-# FROM normalize_address('1 Devonshire Place, Boston, MA 02109') AS na; address | streetname | streettypeabbrev | zip ---------+------------+------------------+------- 1 | Devonshire | Pl | 02109 (1 row) tl_test_ext=# SELECT Loader_Generate_Nation_Script('sh'); ...
here is RESULT execute loader script line by line.. gets a few lines down then stuck…
user@debian8:/gisdata/temp$ ls tl_2015_us_state.cpg tl_2015_us_state.prj tl_2015_us_state.shp.ea.iso.xml tl_2015_us_state.shp.xml tl_2015_us_state.dbf tl_2015_us_state.shp tl_2015_us_state.shp.iso.xml tl_2015_us_state.shx user@debian8:/gisdata/temp$ ${PSQL} -c "CREATE TABLE tiger_data.state_all(CONSTRAINT pk_state_all PRIMARY KEY (statefp),CONSTRAINT uidx_state_all_stusps UNIQUE (stusps), CONSTRAINT uidx_state_all_gid UNIQUE (gid) ) INHERITS(tiger.state); " CREATE TABLE user@debian8:/gisdata/temp$ ${SHP2PGSQL} -D -c -s 4269 -g the_geom -W "latin1" tl_2015_us_state.dbf tiger_staging.state | ${PSQL} Shapefile type: Polygon Postgis type: MULTIPOLYGON[2] SET SET BEGIN CREATE TABLE ALTER TABLE addgeometrycolumn ------------------------------------------------------------------ tiger_staging.state.the_geom SRID:4269 TYPE:MULTIPOLYGON DIMS:2 (1 row) ERROR: value too long for type character varying(2) CONTEXT: COPY state, line 1, column region: " [shp2pgsql-core.c:FindPolygons:567] FindPolygons[0]: allocated space for 1 rings" ROLLBACK ERROR: relation "tiger_staging.state" does not exist
comment:15 by , 10 years ago
Hmm do you have debugging enabled in your postgis build (I see —enable-debug) — what's this that shows on your code:
[shp2pgsql-core.c:FindPolygons:567] FindPolygons[0]: allocated space for 1 rings"
Looks like it's echoing debug statements which perhaps are getting in the way of the copy command. I forget when I change from insert to copy mode. It might have been in 2.2 I suppose. Before they were inserts (which was much slower)
Try turning off debug. enable-debug in postgis generates a ton of noise.
comment:16 by , 10 years ago
Could the columns in tiger.faces be updated with this? I still see cd108fp, cd111fp, statefp00, etc. Some columns missing from current faces files are cd114fp, statefp10, blkgrpce10, etc. Details of the current columns are on page 3-66 here:
comment:17 by , 10 years ago
I never bothered with those since I don't use them for geocoding and they change every year. Are you using faces for something else in addition to geocoding?
comment:18 by , 10 years ago
Yeah, we're interested in getting the census blocks etc. They were accurate in the geocoder at some point! I wouldn't be opposed to submitting a PR, but it's a bit confusing to tell where columns are defined or exempted. If it's helpful, here's the full 2015 format:
{ tfid: 'INTEGER', statefp10: 'VARCHAR (2)', countyfp10: 'VARCHAR (3)', tractce10: 'VARCHAR (6)', blkgrpce10: 'VARCHAR (1)', blockce10: 'VARCHAR (4)', suffix1ce: 'VARCHAR(1)', zcta5ce10: 'VARCHAR (5)', uace10: 'VARCHAR(5)', pumace10: 'VARCHAR(5)', statefp: 'VARCHAR (2)', countyfp: 'VARCHAR (3)', tractce: 'VARCHAR (6)', blkgpce: 'VARCHAR (1)', cousubfp: 'VARCHAR (5)', submcdfp: 'VARCHAR (5)', estatefp: 'VARCHAR (5)', conctyfp: 'VARCHAR (5)', placefp: 'VARCHAR (5)', aiannhfp: 'VARCHAR (5)', aiannhfp: 'DECIMAL (5,0)', aiannhce: 'VARCHAR (4)', comptyp: 'VARCHAR (1)', trsubfp: 'DECIMAL (5,0)', trsubce: 'VARCHAR (3)', anrcfp: 'VARCHAR (5)', ttractce: 'VARCHAR (6)', tblkgpce: 'VARCHAR (1)', elsdlea: 'VARCHAR (5)', scsdlea: 'VARCHAR (5)', unsdlea: 'VARCHAR (5)', cd114fp: 'VARCHAR (10)', sldust: 'VARCHAR (3)', sldlst: 'VARCHAR (3)', csafp: 'VARCHAR (3)', cbsafp: 'VARCHAR (5)', metdivfp: 'VARCHAR (5)', cnectafp: 'VARCHAR (3)', nectafp: 'VARCHAR (5)', nctadvfp: 'VARCHAR (10)', lwflag: 'VARCHAR (1)', offset: 'VARCHAR (1)', atotal: 'INTEGER', intptlat: 'VARCHAR (11)', intptlon: 'VARCHAR(12)' }
I believe it's just a matter of putting these keys in the right place, but I'm a little confused about the COALESCE(exclude_columns, … lines
comment:19 by , 10 years ago
Unfortunately it's a bit more complicated than that. I have to update the table structures in tiger schema as well and put in logic for upgrading.
Since we are close to release on PostGIS 2.2 (and this is a structural change), I'm afraid it's a no go for 2.2. I'll put this in as a separate ticket.
comment:21 by , 10 years ago
Keywords: | history added |
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | reopened → closed |
I'm closing this out. I've tried several states and seems to work fine for me. Brian - after you get rid of debugging, if it still doesn't work for you, feel free to reopen.
On a bit of a down note, it seems they don't have all the files up yet, but I'm confident they will before we release