Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#2857 closed defect (fixed)

Getting failure on debbie and winnie test_lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc and others

Reported by: robe Owned by: robe
Priority: blocker Milestone: PostGIS 2.2.0
Component: QA/buildbots Version: master
Keywords: Cc:


Hard to tell when this started. I did a fresh pull and get this:

Suite: print_suite
  Test: test_lwprint_default_format ...passed
  Test: test_lwprint_format_orders ...passed
  Test: test_lwprint_optional_format ...passed
  Test: test_lwprint_oddball_formats ...passed
  Test: test_lwprint_bad_formats ...passed
Suite: misc
  Test: test_misc_force_2d ...passed
  Test: test_misc_simplify ...passed
  Test: test_misc_count_vertices ...passed
  Test: test_misc_area ...passed
  Test: test_misc_wkb ...passed
Suite: ptarray
  Test: test_ptarray_append_point ...passed
  Test: test_ptarray_append_ptarray ...passed
  Test: test_ptarray_locate_point ...passed
  Test: test_ptarray_isccw ...passed
  Test: test_ptarray_signed_area ...passed
  Test: test_ptarray_desegmentize ...LINESTRING(10 10,0 10,0 0,10 0)
  Test: test_ptarray_insert_point ...passed
  Test: test_ptarray_contains_point ...passed
  Test: test_ptarrayarc_contains_point ...passed
Suite: PostGIS Computational Geometry Suite
  Test: test_lw_segment_side ...passed
  Test: test_lw_segment_intersects ...passed
  Test: test_lwline_crossing_short_lines ...passed
  Test: test_lwline_crossing_long_lines ...passed
  Test: test_lwline_crossing_bugs ...passed
  Test: test_lwpoint_set_ordinate ...passed
  Test: test_lwpoint_get_ordinate ...passed
  Test: test_point_interpolate ...passed
  Test: test_lwline_clip ...passed
  Test: test_lwline_clip_big ...passed
  Test: test_lwmline_clip ...passed
  Test: test_geohash_point ...passed
  Test: test_geohash_precision ...passed
  Test: test_geohash ...passed
  Test: test_geohash_point_as_int ...passed
  Test: test_isclosed ...passed
Suite: buildarea
  Test: buildarea1 ...passed
  Test: buildarea2 ...passed
  Test: buildarea3 ...passed
  Test: buildarea4 ...passed
  Test: buildarea4b ...passed
  Test: buildarea5 ...passed
  Test: buildarea6 ...passed
  Test: buildarea7 ...passed
Suite: clean
  Test: test_lwgeom_make_valid ...passed
Suite: PostGIS Measures Suite
  Test: test_mindistance2d_tolerance ...passed
  Test: test_rect_tree_contains_point ...passed
  Test: test_rect_tree_intersects_tree ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_segmentize2d ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_locate_along ...passed
  Test: test_lw_dist2d_pt_arc ...passed
  Test: test_lw_dist2d_seg_arc ...passed
  Test: test_lw_dist2d_arc_arc ...passed
  Test: test_lw_arc_length ...passed
  Test: test_lw_dist2d_pt_ptarrayarc ...passed
  Test: test_lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc ...FAILED
    1. cu_measures.c:808  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv,LW_SUCCESS)
Suite: node
  Test: test_lwgeom_node ...passed
Suite: WKT Out Suite
  Test: test_wkt_out_point ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_linestring ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_polygon ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_multipoint ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_multilinestring ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_multipolygon ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_collection ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_circularstring ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_compoundcurve ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_curvpolygon ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_multicurve ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_multisurface ...passed
Suite: WKT In Suite
  Test: test_wkt_in_point ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_linestring ...FAILED
    1. cu_in_wkt.c:58  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv,LW_SUCCESS)
  Test: test_wkt_in_polygon ...FAILED
    1. cu_in_wkt.c:58  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv,LW_SUCCESS)
    2. cu_in_wkt.c:58  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv,LW_SUCCESS)
  Test: test_wkt_in_multipoint ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_multilinestring ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_multipolygon ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_collection ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_circularstring ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_compoundcurve ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_curvpolygon ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_multicurve ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_multisurface ...passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_tin ...FAILED
    1. cu_in_wkt.c:58  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv,LW_SUCCESS)
  Test: test_wkt_in_polyhedralsurface ...FAILED
    1. cu_in_wkt.c:58  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv,LW_SUCCESS)
  Test: test_wkt_in_errlocation ...FAILED
    1. cu_in_wkt.c:339  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv,LW_SUCCESS)
Suite: WKB Out Suite
  Test: test_wkb_out_point ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_out_linestring ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_out_polygon ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_out_multipoint ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_out_multilinestring ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_out_multipolygon ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_out_collection ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_out_circularstring ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_out_compoundcurve ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_out_curvpolygon ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_out_multicurve ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_out_multisurface ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_out_polyhedralsurface ...passed
Suite: WKB In Suite
  Test: test_wkb_in_point ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_in_linestring ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_in_polygon ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_in_multipoint ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_in_multilinestring ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_in_multipolygon ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_in_collection ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_in_circularstring ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_in_compoundcurve ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_in_curvpolygon ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_in_multicurve ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_in_multisurface ...passed
  Test: test_wkb_in_malformed ...passed
Suite: libgeom
  Test: test_typmod_macros ...passed
  Test: test_flags_macros ...passed
  Test: test_serialized_srid ...SRID value -3005 converted to the officially unknown SRID value 0
  Test: test_gserialized_from_lwgeom_size ...passed
  Test: test_gbox_serialized_size ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_from_gserialized ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_count_vertices ...passed
  Test: test_on_gser_lwgeom_count_vertices ...passed
  Test: test_geometry_type_from_string ...passed
  Test: test_lwcollection_extract ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_free ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_flip_coordinates ...passed
  Test: test_f2d ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_clone ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_force_clockwise ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_calculate_gbox ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_is_empty ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_same ...passed
  Test: test_lwline_from_lwmpoint ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_as_curve ...passed
Suite: split
  Test: test_lwline_split_by_point_to ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_split ...passed
Suite: Geodetic Suite
  Test: test_sphere_direction ...passed
  Test: test_sphere_project ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_area_sphere ...passed
  Test: test_signum ...passed
  Test: test_gbox_from_spherical_coordinates ...passed
  Test: test_gserialized_get_gbox_geocentric ...passed
  Test: test_clairaut ...passed
  Test: test_edge_intersection ...passed
  Test: test_edge_intersects ...passed
  Test: test_edge_distance_to_point ...passed
  Test: test_edge_distance_to_edge ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_distance_sphere ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_check_geodetic ...passed
  Test: test_gserialized_from_lwgeom ...passed
  Test: test_spheroid_distance ...passed
  Test: test_spheroid_area ...passed
  Test: test_lwpoly_covers_point2d ...passed
  Test: test_gbox_utils ...passed
  Test: test_vector_angle ...passed
  Test: test_vector_rotate ...passed
  Test: test_lwgeom_segmentize_sphere ...passed
  Test: test_ptarray_contains_point_sphere ...passed
  Test: test_ptarray_contains_point_sphere_iowa ...passed
Suite: GEOS
  Test: test_geos_noop ...passed
  Test: test_sfcgal_noop ...passed
Suite: Internal Spatial Trees
  Test: test_tree_circ_create ...passed
  Test: test_tree_circ_pip ...passed
  Test: test_tree_circ_pip2 ...passed
  Test: test_tree_circ_distance ...passed
Suite: triangulate
  Test: test_lwgeom_delaunay_triangulation ...passed
Suite: stringbuffer
  Test: test_stringbuffer_append ...passed
  Test: test_stringbuffer_aprintf ...passed
Suite: surface
  Test: triangle_parse ...passed
  Test: tin_parse ...passed
  Test: polyhedralsurface_parse ...passed
  Test: surface_dimension ...passed
Suite: homogenize
  Test: test_coll_point ...passed
  Test: test_coll_line ...passed
  Test: test_coll_poly ...passed
  Test: test_coll_coll ...passed
  Test: test_geom ...passed
  Test: test_coll_curve ...passed
Suite: force_sfs
  Test: test_sfs_11 ...passed
  Test: test_sfs_12 ...passed
  Test: test_sqlmm ...passed
Suite: out_gml
  Test: out_gml_test_precision ...passed
  Test: out_gml_test_srid ...passed
  Test: out_gml_test_dims ...passed
  Test: out_gml_test_geodetic ...passed
  Test: out_gml_test_geoms ...passed
  Test: out_gml_test_geoms_prefix ...passed
  Test: out_gml_test_geoms_nodims ...passed
  Test: out_gml2_extent ...passed
  Test: out_gml3_extent ...passed
Suite: KML Out Suite
  Test: out_kml_test_precision ...passed
  Test: out_kml_test_dims ...passed
  Test: out_kml_test_geoms ...passed
  Test: out_kml_test_prefix ...passed
Suite: GeoJson Out Suite
  Test: out_geojson_test_precision ...passed
  Test: out_geojson_test_dims ...passed
  Test: out_geojson_test_srid ...passed
  Test: out_geojson_test_bbox ...passed
  Test: out_geojson_test_geoms ...passed
Suite: SVG Out Suite
  Test: out_svg_test_precision ...passed
  Test: out_svg_test_dims ...passed
  Test: out_svg_test_relative ...passed
  Test: out_svg_test_geoms ...passed
  Test: out_svg_test_srid ...passed
Suite: X3D Out Suite
  Test: out_x3d3_test_precision ...passed
  Test: out_x3d3_test_geoms ...passed
Suite: Encoded Polyline Out Suite
  Test: out_encoded_polyline_test_geoms ...passed
  Test: out_encoded_polyline_test_srid ...passed
  Test: out_encoded_polyline_test_precision ...passed
Suite: Encoded Polyline In Suite
  Test: in_encoded_polyline_test_geoms ...passed
  Test: in_encoded_polyline_test_precision ...passed
Suite: varint
  Test: test_varint ...passed

Run Summary:    Type  Total    Ran Passed Failed Inactive
              suites     31     31    n/a      0        0
               tests    207    207    201      6        0
             asserts   1884   1884   1877      7      n/a

Change History (6)

comment:1 by robe, 11 years ago

Summary: Getting failure on winnie test_lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarcGetting failure on debie and winnie test_lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc and others

comment:2 by robe, 11 years ago

It appears debbie is unhappy as well and so is travis. I thought I had fixed the issue with debbie registering success on failure. Guess not completely.

These failures seem to have started as of r12838

Suite: node
  Test: test_lwgeom_node ... passed
Suite: WKT Out Suite
  Test: test_wkt_out_point ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_linestring ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_polygon ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_multipoint ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_multilinestring ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_multipolygon ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_collection ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_circularstring ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_compoundcurve ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_curvpolygon ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_multicurve ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_out_multisurface ... passed
Suite: WKT In Suite
  Test: test_wkt_in_point ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_linestring ... FAILED
    1. cu_in_wkt.c:58  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv,LW_SUCCESS)
  Test: test_wkt_in_polygon ... FAILED
    1. cu_in_wkt.c:58  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv,LW_SUCCESS)
    2. cu_in_wkt.c:58  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv,LW_SUCCESS)
  Test: test_wkt_in_multipoint ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_multilinestring ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_multipolygon ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_collection ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_circularstring ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_compoundcurve ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_curvpolygon ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_multicurve ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_multisurface ... passed
  Test: test_wkt_in_tin ... FAILED
    1. cu_in_wkt.c:58  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv,LW_SUCCESS)
  Test: test_wkt_in_polyhedralsurface ... FAILED
    1. cu_in_wkt.c:58  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv,LW_SUCCESS)
  Test: test_wkt_in_errlocation ... FAILED
    1. cu_in_wkt.c:339  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv,LW_SUCCESS)

comment:3 by robe, 11 years ago

Summary: Getting failure on debie and winnie test_lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc and othersGetting failure on debbie and winnie test_lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc and others

comment:4 by strk, 11 years ago

With r12839 I've fixed mine, could be enough. Will leave checking & closing to you as you know winnie and debbie better :)

comment:5 by strk, 10 years ago

are bots happy now robe ?

comment:6 by robe, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

with this one yes so closing out.

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