Opened 13 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
#2002 closed defect (fixed)
Circle geometry handling
Reported by: | xificurk | Owned by: | pramsey |
Priority: | medium | Milestone: | PostGIS 2.0.2 |
Component: | postgis | Version: | 2.0.x |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Description ¶
The documentation states in 4.1.3. SQL-MM Part 3:
"The exception to this is for a closed circle, where the start and end points are the same. In this case the second point MUST be the center of the arc, ie the opposite side of the circle."
But it seems that postgis does not handle these geometries well.
⇒ SELECT ST_AsText(ST_CurveToLine(ST_GeomFromText('CURVEPOLYGON(CIRCULARSTRING(-1 0,1 0,-1 0))')));
POLYGON((1 0,-1 0,-1 0))
The result is invalid polygon. The workaround is simple - use more points in circular string, e.g.: ⇒ SELECT ST_AsText(ST_CurveToLine(ST_GeomFromText('CURVEPOLYGON(CIRCULARSTRING(-1 0, 0 1, 1 0, 0 -1, -1 0))'), 2));
POLYGON((-1 1.22460635382238e-16,-0.707106781186547 0.707106781186548,6.12303176911189e-17 1,0.707106781186548 0.707106781186547,1 0,0.707106781186548 -0.707106781186547,6.12303176911189e-17 -1,-0.707106781186547 -0.707106781186548,-1 0))
This is now fixed in 2.0 and trunk, not sure at what revision.