Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1911 closed enhancement (fixed)

[raster] ST_BandSurface returning a multipolygon of a band

Reported by: dustymugs Owned by: dustymugs
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 2.1.0
Component: raster Version: master
Keywords: history Cc:


Since an underlying C function is being written for use by various raster/raster spatial relationship functions, the C function might as well be exposed.

This could be done calling




but it may be that the underlying C function might be faster. No way to tell until the function is written.

ST_Surface(raster rast, integer nband DEFAULT 1) -> geometry

Suggestions on the function name? ST_Surface? ST_BandSurface? ST_???

Change History (3)

comment:1 by dustymugs, 12 years ago

Status: newassigned

comment:2 by pracine, 12 years ago

ST_AsPolygon()? or ST_DumpAsPolygon(without s)?

comment:3 by dustymugs, 12 years ago

Keywords: history added
Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
Summary: [raster] ST_Surface returning a multipolygon of a band[raster] ST_BandSurface returning a multipolygon of a band

Final function is named ST_BandSurface(). Added to trunk in r10055

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