Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#1252 closed defect (fixed)

SRID appearing in ST_AsText for particular multipolygon

Reported by: robe Owned by: pramsey
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 1.5.4
Component: postgis Version: 1.5.X
Keywords: windows, 64-bit Cc: ipackham


Has anyone seen this behavior before. It was breaking one of my apps. I have a PostGIS 1.5.3 on PostgreSQL 9.0 windows

I have this geometry created from a complex process, and when I do an ST_AsText on it, it gives me this:

MULTIPOLYGON(SRID=4326;((-116.9937666 33.4711291,-116.9936485 33.4698868,-116.992874 33.4689698,-116.9911977 33.4686095,-116.9889499 33.4689424,-116.9865345 33.4688388,-116.9849953 33.4684547,-116.9832575 33.4670819,-116.9818378 33.4640042,-116.9804437 33.4606503,-116.9785802 33.456815,-116.9768635 33.4544292,-116.9736925 33.451981,-116.9685215 33.4499332,-116.9640394 33.4483194,-116.9588176 33.4468239,-116.9537627 33.4456727,-116.9510672 33.4445338,-116.9474055 33.4424094,-116.9448697 33.4404641,-116.9424141 33.438173,-116.9417469 33.4367258,-116.9417363 33.4350225,-116.942846 33.4326237,-116.9443114 33.4301081,-116.9451514 33.4284701,-116.9454185 33.4273179,-116.945434 33.426743,-116.9372815 33.4267486,-116.9347018 33.4267502,-116.933143 33.4292131,-116.9313143 33.4306712,-116.9298153 33.4322199,-116.9288345 33.433306,-116.9275378 33.4365801,-116.9272611 33.4407015,-116.9276312 33.4429327,-116.9294641 33.4466307,-116.9311786 33.448879,-116.93275 33.4501613,-116.9360734 33.4508144,-116.9409047 33.4513228,-116.9453768 33.4513953,-116.9484547 33.4522564,-116.951017 33.4539943,-116.9528947 33.4559194,-116.9545209 33.457109,-116.956993 33.4575583,-116.9586929 33.4573896,-116.9605852 33.4572659,-116.9631412 33.4579679,-116.9643057 33.459873,-116.9645931 33.4618972,-116.9647235 33.465096,-116.9653148 33.467441,-116.9675536 33.4699626,-116.970229 33.4720909,-116.9723555 33.4741756,-116.9742054 33.4759163,-116.9750116 33.4775007,-116.9753215 33.4787421,-116.9753828 33.4798118,-116.9753835 33.4798236,-116.9751136 33.4805153,-116.9744045 33.481186,-116.9735824 33.4813739,-116.9721544 33.4812194,-116.9703107 33.4804453,-116.9696066 33.4797997,-116.9682126 33.4785216,-116.965749 33.4752185,-116.9616905 33.4713472,-116.9582163 33.4687159,-116.9543311 33.4661325,-116.9511101 33.4644206,-116.9479479 33.4633068,-116.9427848 33.4625008,-116.9375702 33.4622243,-116.9332584 33.4615064,-116.9288045 33.4599603,-116.9244228 33.4567336,-116.9212214 33.4535478,-116.9171399 33.4499512,-116.91446 33.44674,-116.912139 33.4438955,-116.9099888 33.442086,-116.9069643 33.4408555,-116.9015777 33.4390361,-116.8967377 33.4368229,-116.8912356 33.4338987,-116.8877699 33.43214,-116.8853172 33.4300551,-116.8819873 33.4279965,-116.8798777 33.4268014,-116.8754134 33.4268091,-116.8574042 33.4268255,-116.8403858 33.4268386,-116.8397398 33.4268528,-116.8368567 33.426851,-116.8371787 33.4282098,-116.837295 33.4294753,-116.8382317 33.4303236,-116.8398256 33.4309624,-116.8405962 33.431489,-116.8413444 33.4329824,-116.8423939 33.4344057,-116.8443135 33.4343758,-116.845459 33.4331748,-116.8460324 33.4326894,-116.8469644 33.4326169,-116.8483114 33.4332335,-116.84829 33.4343614,-116.8482676 33.4353282,-116.8490706 33.4367753,-116.8508336 33.438242,-116.8512559 33.4402889,-116.8509666 33.4426376,-116.8515518 33.4443617,-116.8532387 33.4469564,-116.8567002 33.4480024,-116.8618046 33.4484898,-116.8683616 33.4487643,-116.8778305 33.4497869,-116.88239 33.450874,-116.8859633 33.452172,-116.8889002 33.4524826,-116.8906818 33.4522224,-116.8919385 33.4513198,-116.8930297 33.4502797,-116.8940967 33.4497921,-116.8950038 33.4501107,-116.896224 33.4524075,-116.8980523 33.4555073,-116.8999037 33.4578245,-116.9027357 33.4589179,-116.9059504 33.4597564,-116.9089518 33.4616544,-116.9108574 33.4637871,-116.9132805 33.4652731,-116.9163002 33.4655598,-116.9200365 33.4663958,-116.9224368 33.4686183,-116.9251999 33.4718288,-116.928786 33.4749667,-116.9317615 33.4769564,-116.9342924 33.4780043,-116.9394837 33.4788334,-116.9447858 33.4798,-116.9463245 33.4801155,-116.9479472 33.4807068,-116.9482013 33.4818334,-116.9479058 33.4828474,-116.9472428 33.4838644,-116.9470632 33.4841399,-116.9456141 33.4849978,-116.9401322 33.4860573,-116.9393898 33.4858304,-116.9367754 33.4846219,-116.9335807 33.4827714,-116.9281316 33.4801709,-116.9233198 33.4785572,-116.9186731 33.4769886,-116.9138699 33.4767553,-116.90987 33.4778074,-116.9060945 33.479687,-116.9037432 33.4811465,-116.9029246 33.4819323,-116.9018964 33.4844219,-116.901866 33.4886336,-116.9029788 33.4912297,-116.9057382 33.4938191,-116.9098904 33.495229,-116.9142279 33.4954644,-116.9204596 33.4957838,-116.9245602 33.4976538,-116.9295123 33.4996351,-116.9328994 33.5014618,-116.9367784 33.502941,-116.9436438 33.5035098,-116.9492438 33.5036234,-116.9536031 33.5028447,-116.9580972 33.5016971,-116.9612528 33.5015679,-116.9670434 33.5014267,-116.9711605 33.5011463,-116.9742865 33.5009334,-116.9770784 33.4997468,-116.9794326 33.4987923,-116.9804991 33.498189,-116.980877 33.4972206,-116.9802346 33.4955435,-116.9797012 33.4937278,-116.9799938 33.4923226,-116.9810548 33.4908907,-116.9839801 33.4891739,-116.9850352 33.4877621,-116.9873805 33.4846239,-116.9901713 33.479248,-116.9923946 33.4752326,-116.9936663 33.4725336,-116.9937666 33.4711291)),((-117.2437365 33.5594329,-117.2442937 33.5572888,-117.2457531 33.5546553,-117.2444672 33.5522703,-117.2426374 33.5504644,-117.2418926 33.5471551,-117.2414797 33.5440738,-117.2387493 33.5428952,-117.2372995 33.5435723,-117.2351716 33.5451976,-117.2317366 33.5450823,-117.211519 33.5297479,-117.2114137 33.5271707,-117.2156869 33.5197315,-117.2177275 33.5145162,-117.2185904 33.5127382,-117.2202541 33.5114613,-117.223328 33.5112569,-117.2278978 33.5124928,-117.2313925 33.5132522,-117.2340514 33.5127051,-117.2365912 33.5111459,-117.2422935 33.5070793,-117.2460366 33.5050054,-117.2504055 33.5023285,-117.2533589 33.5009963,-117.2557755 33.5010027,-117.2597187 33.5027482,-117.2635522 33.5044942,-117.2683383 33.5053128,-117.2710808 33.5049254,-117.2766437 33.5036664,-117.2803409 33.5026045,-117.2835995 33.5016998,-117.2843397 33.5014943,-117.28522 33.5015928,-117.2891969 33.5020377,-117.2893707 33.5020571,-117.2905665 33.5024496,-117.2934206 33.5033864,-117.2964589 33.5051832,-117.2991969 33.5071432,-117.3010058 33.5095703,-117.3027356 33.5123202,-117.3042634 33.5140816,-117.3059768 33.5151512,-117.3071589 33.5152577,-117.3092245 33.5158182,-117.3099265 33.5173784,-117.3099996 33.5192194,-117.3101283 33.521129,-117.3107576 33.5236566,-117.3116218 33.5249393,-117.3128351 33.5254139,-117.3144486 33.5246885,-117.3150427 33.5236483,-117.3159498 33.5209485,-117.3165333 33.5188494,-117.3163874 33.5152134,-117.3160887 33.5127986,-117.3162082 33.5110021,-117.3169157 33.5103294,-117.3192643 33.5089769,-117.3208415 33.5074,-117.3221151 33.505664,-117.3231163 33.5041603,-117.3233808 33.5031454,-117.3226408 33.5005496,-117.3215798 33.4988078,-117.3212603 33.4970606,-117.321322 33.4949882,-117.3221583 33.4934857,-117.3245049 33.4919719,-117.32744 33.4916508,-117.3314737 33.4913445,-117.3335922 33.491743,-117.336301 33.4934724,-117.3379344 33.4947723,-117.3402176 33.4951465,-117.3416622 33.4940766,-117.343537 33.4921056,-117.3451048 33.4896534,-117.3476741 33.4857892,-117.3492762 33.4840273,-117.3495289 33.4837801,-117.3579426 33.486468,-117.3636088 33.4882777,-117.3707839 33.4905689,-117.3667056 33.4995185,-117.3642792 33.5048423,-117.3811412 33.5050495,-117.3984626 33.5052599,-117.415784 33.5054679,-117.4331055 33.5056735,-117.4504927 33.5058775,-117.4680198 33.5056541,-117.4773891 33.5055337,-117.4773912 33.5055721,-117.4768242 33.5350686,-117.4925096 33.5345875,-117.4931474 33.5374366,-117.492803 33.5408927,-117.4922195 33.5426935,-117.4895759 33.5446042,-117.4849761 33.5460944,-117.4750431 33.5522342,-117.4680224 33.5583713,-117.4588487 33.5662063,-117.4546025 33.569902,-117.4527294 33.5719893,-117.4508308 33.5742609,-117.4497173 33.577907,-117.450211 33.5802506,-117.4495305 33.5832945,-117.4472991 33.5853386,-117.4438561 33.5872085,-117.4402408 33.5884353,-117.4379021 33.5882705,-117.433546 33.5871555,-117.4301883 33.5868147,-117.4260725 33.5875388,-117.4240843 33.5892351,-117.4227856 33.591133,-117.4211347 33.593517,-117.4172302 33.5959882,-117.4123584 33.5980067,-117.4068871 33.6005361,-117.4037063 33.6038756,-117.4011927 33.6079,-117.3987804 33.6111411,-117.3951697 33.6154731,-117.3911596 33.6184733,-117.3887584 33.6202181,-117.3855876 33.6220148,-117.3827362 33.6228194,-117.3808333 33.6223049,-117.3792451 33.6203381,-117.3778397 33.6174494,-117.3728117 33.6125864,-117.3687952 33.6097636,-117.365203 33.608042,-117.3614083 33.6053554,-117.356298 33.6030238,-117.351039 33.602258,-117.346307 33.6019253,-117.3377519 33.6014138,-117.3316367 33.6002163,-117.3260559 33.5997083,-117.3255558 33.5996627,-117.3210057 33.5982461,-117.31786 33.5970493,-117.315533 33.5952482,-117.3133876 33.592341,-117.3130854 33.5895815,-117.3132957 33.5874316,-117.3134099 33.5862652,-117.3148921 33.5832856,-117.3190221 33.5784915,-117.3221992 33.5746248,-117.323178 33.5708201,-117.3235486 33.5666515,-117.3256509 33.5625392,-117.3275697 33.5593258,-117.3285542 33.5561192,-117.328852 33.5529407,-117.328513 33.5492835,-117.3281024 33.5481713,-117.3274962 33.5465289,-117.3265496 33.545293,-117.3254782 33.5453009,-117.323947 33.5460487,-117.3210845 33.5483025,-117.3196241 33.5506379,-117.3183227 33.5523967,-117.3157043 33.5543492,-117.3141748 33.555281,-117.310998 33.5563628,-117.3081646 33.5560381,-117.3057668 33.5552959,-117.3030147 33.5548553,-117.3005469 33.5553794,-117.2985558 33.5568897,-117.2973031 33.5580495,-117.2945904 33.5588283,-117.2908202 33.5582337,-117.287311 33.5562101,-117.2841291 33.5539079,-117.2814713 33.5518091,-117.2790742 33.5511124,-117.2759977 33.5511799,-117.2717455 33.5518539,-117.2697781 33.5529953,-117.2682092 33.5556069,-117.2664479 33.5582198,-117.2645771 33.5608794,-117.2635313 33.5636254,-117.2631105 33.5656306,-117.2630288 33.5657468,-117.262102 33.5670641,-117.262053 33.5671338,-117.2617453 33.5694834,-117.2617148 33.5720842,-117.2604938 33.5737496,-117.2590196 33.5747952,-117.2572919 33.5751752,-117.2556949 33.5748409,-117.2536989 33.5729673,-117.2526601 33.5706039,-117.2511034 33.5686812,-117.2480079 33.5667459,-117.2459554 33.5646654,-117.2449676 33.5618412,-117.2437365 33.5594329)),((-117.4672426 33.5897308,-117.4611355 33.5976272,-117.4578159 33.6019175,-117.4524375 33.6088702,-117.448789 33.6102524,-117.4443041 33.6124759,-117.4408694 33.615174,-117.4393807 33.6173035,-117.437429 33.6198511,-117.435006 33.6220573,-117.4312287 33.6236761,-117.4268141 33.6248627,-117.4249991 33.6248774,-117.4230361 33.6239268,-117.4218056 33.6220726,-117.4218754 33.6184129,-117.4247632 33.6134415,-117.4288052 33.6084375,-117.4321826 33.6055331,-117.4405995 33.6008609,-117.4507934 33.5953447,-117.4594397 33.5916357,-117.4645376 33.5902348,-117.4666775 33.5898254,-117.4672426 33.5897308)),((-116.8871165 33.7622352,-116.8855101 33.7611472,-116.8854451 33.7611032,-116.8821419 33.7588658,-116.8821407 33.758865,-116.8819186 33.7588746,-116.8818955 33.7588756,-116.8789266 33.7590035,-116.8761567 33.7591229,-116.8761358 33.757048,-116.876113 33.7547817,-116.8735057 33.7530146,-116.8709394 33.7512751,-116.8706604 33.7510856,-116.8703364 33.7508654,-116.8665354 33.7508872,-116.8640546 33.7509013,-116.862854 33.7509082,-116.8628434 33.7509082,-116.8628331 33.7509083,-116.8591318 33.7509312,-116.858788 33.7509333,-116.8583521 33.750936,-116.8583325 33.7524293,-116.8553876 33.7509753,-116.8497592 33.7479364,-116.8440788 33.7454033,-116.8398059 33.7436701,-116.8343819 33.7427223,-116.8278623 33.7426744,-116.8227971 33.7419089,-116.820263 33.7412271,-116.8161004 33.7394008,-116.8114114 33.7367712,-116.809149 33.7353526,-116.8074204 33.7339014,-116.8049479 33.7311577,-116.8031457 33.728174,-116.8013717 33.7253052,-116.7985843 33.7232901,-116.7966262 33.7221233,-116.7949433 33.7210016,-116.7943605 33.7198996,-116.7943823 33.7187039,-116.7952848 33.7176435,-116.7970974 33.7171552,-116.7993542 33.7175393,-116.802381 33.717921,-116.8077491 33.7190773,-116.8096513 33.7200372,-116.8125252 33.7228336,-116.8147681 33.7259078,-116.8165677 33.7282935,-116.8190795 33.7301021,-116.8231038 33.7318369,-116.8276474 33.73288,-116.8384966 33.7352359,-116.8508795 33.736183,-116.8594182 33.738315,-116.8653978 33.7402256,-116.8698095 33.7420955,-116.8754096 33.7449037,-116.8785589 33.7472606,-116.8809134 33.7501033,-116.8835723 33.7532436,-116.8859794 33.7556261,-116.8879167 33.7576193,-116.8908731 33.7597697,-116.894099 33.7609303,-116.8967726 33.761725,-116.897389 33.7636311,-116.8973937 33.7644358,-116.8969645 33.7650833,-116.8944694 33.765087,-116.8934026 33.7650885,-116.893224 33.7650888,-116.8913348 33.7650921,-116.8871165 33.7622352)),((-116.8592695 33.8856998,-116.8593057 33.8892534,-116.8595228 33.8893108,-116.8597092 33.8894073,-116.8601425 33.8896986,-116.8606612 33.8899829,-116.8612246 33.8901753,-116.8615898 33.8902673,-116.8618672 33.8903593,-116.8621218 33.8904894,-116.8623271 33.8906376,-116.8625181 33.890829,-116.8626671 33.8910448,-116.8627625 33.8912568,-116.8628205 33.891501,-116.8628292 33.8917273,-116.8627901 33.8919742,-116.862701 33.8922119,-116.8625647 33.8924334,-116.862403 33.8926154,-116.8621885 33.8927886,-116.8619653 33.8929176,-116.8616955 33.8930242,-116.8614229 33.8930885,-116.8609784 33.8931613,-116.8607477 33.8932347,-116.860546 33.8933833,-116.86043 33.8935651,-116.8603942 33.8937709,-116.8604023 33.8940277,-116.8603556 33.8944022,-116.8602362 33.8946908,-116.8601673 33.8949247,-116.8601529 33.8951852,-116.8601958 33.8954233,-116.8602975 33.8956622,-116.8604109 33.8958655,-116.8605328 33.8961654,-116.8605738 33.8964837,-116.8605738 33.896707,-116.8606216 33.8970253,-116.8607347 33.897261,-116.8605191 33.8972466,-116.8604245 33.8970373,-116.8603761 33.896707,-116.8603773 33.8965013,-116.8603386 33.8962019,-116.8602317 33.8959351,-116.8601112 33.8957174,-116.8599985 33.8954368,-116.8599596 33.8952205,-116.8599694 33.894928,-116.8600493 33.894637,-116.8601615 33.894366,-116.8602046 33.894032,-116.8601956 33.8937601,-116.8602588 33.8934837,-116.8604194 33.8932574,-116.8606136 33.8931144,-116.860926 33.8930018,-116.8613691 33.8929298,-116.8616198 33.8928707,-116.8618782 33.8927675,-116.8622626 33.8924966,-116.8625218 33.8921379,-116.8626308 33.8917069,-116.8625667 33.8912906,-116.8623462 33.8909143,-116.8619923 33.8906164,-116.8615326 33.8904251,-116.8611497 33.8903279,-116.8605417 33.8901145,-116.8600184 33.889827,-116.8596049 33.8895474,-116.8593075 33.8894294,-116.859351 33.8936991,-116.8593512 33.8971687,-116.845919 33.8962715,-116.8419608 33.8956184,-116.8420471 33.8862549,-116.8592695 33.8856998)),((-116.8433139 33.6784508,-116.8444767 33.6798878,-116.8462193 33.6819057,-116.8490657 33.6846787,-116.8524386 33.6882087,-116.8541817 33.6902494,-116.8553477 33.6923381,-116.8579742 33.6950196,-116.8609 33.6971021,-116.8637984 33.6991616,-116.8656807 33.7014546,-116.866488 33.7032455,-116.8673746 33.7044611,-116.8679342 33.7062069,-116.8673377 33.7077497,-116.8669025 33.7086252,-116.8660846 33.7099158,-116.8650988 33.7107012,-116.8635619 33.7112586,-116.8607322 33.7117974,-116.8531393 33.7112719,-116.8522261 33.7101943,-116.8501706 33.706338,-116.8475877 33.7015176,-116.8428778 33.6947726,-116.8406294 33.6906867,-116.8372221 33.6857537,-116.8358116 33.6840678,-116.8355183 33.6852432,-116.8346097 33.6889766,-116.8334854 33.6948705,-116.8313305 33.6993332,-116.8286194 33.7030138,-116.824722 33.7053299,-116.8201841 33.7062769,-116.815871 33.7059138,-116.8113926 33.7046363,-116.806362 33.7028396,-116.801498 33.7021528,-116.7946844 33.7027867,-116.7905473 33.7047764,-116.7878271 33.7075411,-116.7873064 33.7108143,-116.7876524 33.7149322,-116.7904278 33.7189029,-116.7965113 33.7246179,-116.8029808 33.7296101,-116.8097777 33.7363003,-116.817147 33.7456016,-116.8217482 33.7517177,-116.8258066 33.7587527,-116.8294033 33.7665103,-116.8275511 33.7741314,-116.8275087 33.7743058,-116.8236546 33.7821795,-116.8247298 33.7885157,-116.8315058 33.792131,-116.8391342 33.7941707,-116.8451074 33.795502,-116.8493294 33.7963848,-116.8511593 33.7967673,-116.8572162 33.7984899,-116.8654055 33.8019625,-116.8721091 33.8056412,-116.8815726 33.8110005,-116.8913892 33.8118436,-116.9012759 33.8119003,-116.9086377 33.8104712,-116.9142816 33.8097749,-116.9212631 33.8096558,-116.9278534 33.8096051,-116.9344489 33.8100123,-116.9348477 33.8100802,-116.9349211 33.8102048,-116.940208 33.8133023,-116.9480793 33.8157256,-116.9568146 33.8182727,-116.9628843 33.8209052,-116.9677075 33.8244638,-116.9732444 33.82867,-116.975955 33.8327028,-116.9759033 33.8353845,-116.9710168 33.8409824,-116.9652338 33.8435795,-116.9592941 33.8459815,-116.9529599 33.8485166,-116.9453823 33.8521074,-116.9380525 33.8571349,-116.9311083 33.8614399,-116.9257329 33.8657319,-116.9206766 33.8706753,-116.9146097 33.8766729,-116.9118871 33.8793096,-116.9062645 33.8825565,-116.9005644 33.8860652,-116.9002559 33.8862769,-116.8941652 33.8863873,-116.8941158 33.8904887,-116.8940112 33.8905605,-116.8884582 33.8931521,-116.879996 33.8951763,-116.8766257 33.8956815,-116.8766032 33.8867041,-116.8592695 33.8856998,-116.8593186 33.8850677,-116.8593391 33.8848029,-116.8593525 33.884631,-116.8594327 33.8835978,-116.8596219 33.8811607,-116.8598133 33.8786938,-116.8601483 33.8743781,-116.8603585 33.8716696,-116.8423229 33.8716143,-116.8423046 33.8725864,-116.8422952 33.8730881,-116.8422843 33.8736645,-116.8422225 33.8769461,-116.8421944 33.8784399,-116.842193 33.8785116,-116.8421853 33.8789232,-116.8421697 33.8797492,-116.8421305 33.88183,-116.8420471 33.8862549,-116.8331545 33.8861745,-116.8243351 33.8860942,-116.8243824 33.8787853,-116.8244474 33.8749104,-116.8245055 33.8714765,-116.824652 33.8677263,-116.8246561 33.8676046,-116.8247209 33.8659432,-116.8247746 33.8645999,-116.8247957 33.864046,-116.8247995 33.8596348,-116.8248005 33.8568051,-116.8243444 33.8423445,-116.8153137 33.842262,-116.8065713 33.8421817,-116.8068492 33.8351758,-116.8073649 33.8275169,-116.7887944 33.8275537,-116.7715036 33.8287812,-116.7541078 33.8287283,-116.7367252 33.8286722,-116.7194564 33.8289416,-116.7194967 33.8214751,-116.7195146 33.8165527,-116.7018343 33.8166935,-116.6840142 33.8165409,-116.6839405 33.8020901,-116.6926178 33.8021675,-116.7016011 33.8022013,-116.7017724 33.7876395,-116.6839116 33.7873807,-116.6846615 33.7734517,-116.6855616 33.7734705,-116.6855468 33.7662295,-116.6856832 33.7593053,-116.6853702 33.7447211,-116.685368 33.7446214,-116.6675462 33.7448142,-116.6675711 33.7369671,-116.6676898 33.7301611,-116.6576829 33.7301206,-116.6493037 33.7300179,-116.6493344 33.7227278,-116.6494022 33.7152652,-116.641711 33.7153706,-116.6319057 33.7155323,-116.6320956 33.7011035,-116.6322692 33.6867153,-116.6149449 33.6867068,-116.6149494 33.68504,-116.5985672 33.6850305,-116.5982395 33.6704617,-116.5809477 33.6703734,-116.5810241 33.6558872,-116.5811022 33.6414016,-116.5811786 33.6269153,-116.5638233 33.626853,-116.5638944 33.6123735,-116.5639638 33.5978947,-116.5701225 33.5977725,-116.5698808 33.5869303,-116.5699823 33.5725357,-116.5698358 33.5612267,-116.5697944 33.5579887,-116.5698173 33.5436369,-116.5698658 33.5290995,-116.5702032 33.5146176,-116.5701644 33.5044747,-116.5760935 33.5056947,-116.5872932 33.5091056,-116.5971723 33.5135031,-116.6063624 33.5204534,-116.61797 33.5256907,-116.626704 33.5342775,-116.6306548 33.5406001,-116.6389805 33.5460488,-116.6473958 33.5529353,-116.6544895 33.5608754,-116.6599158 33.565096,-116.6689486 33.5702772,-116.6785188 33.5736888,-116.6894131 33.5761765,-116.7018768 33.5791769,-116.7130076 33.5817269,-116.7246052 33.5839457,-116.7374594 33.5864821,-116.7463144 33.5880623,-116.7548465 33.5882699,-116.7623311 33.5845595,-116.7691683 33.5783677,-116.7748413 33.5733608,-116.7795803 33.5690137,-116.784785 33.5644012,-116.7914839 33.5607598,-116.7969919 33.5549679,-116.8033629 33.5497587,-116.8103249 33.5403588,-116.8160537 33.5333222,-116.8220733 33.5237322,-116.826473 33.516965,-116.8336804 33.5094589,-116.8366746 33.5058803,-116.8379626 33.5074016,-116.8393168 33.5102046,-116.8405326 33.515101,-116.8409651 33.5198727,-116.8409943 33.5232075,-116.8396448 33.529888,-116.8385142 33.5347358,-116.838229 33.5379422,-116.8409824 33.5398852,-116.8439579 33.5401913,-116.8478588 33.539052,-116.8526972 33.5377748,-116.8591026 33.5367481,-116.8673003 33.5351192,-116.8726143 33.5345568,-116.875592 33.5351891,-116.8770051 33.5357021,-116.8786022 33.5394186,-116.8791216 33.5447778,-116.8794903 33.5508571,-116.8794613 33.5561551,-116.8781754 33.5610693,-116.8782234 33.5663662,-116.8798529 33.5733522,-116.8822295 33.5764745,-116.885958 33.5819403,-116.8879689 33.5877459,-116.8895685 33.5913969,-116.893314 33.5985628,-116.8954103 33.6051531,-116.8999052 33.6087162,-116.9039273 33.6118253,-116.9101536 33.6162253,-116.9139401 33.6191396,-116.9167274 33.6240886,-116.9174926 33.6302961,-116.9174484 33.6339583,-116.915916 33.6374368,-116.9123639 33.6425646,-116.908162 33.6454745,-116.902454 33.6464986,-116.8972827 33.646145,-116.89305 33.6458494,-116.8874275 33.6475918,-116.8826683 33.649458,-116.8797985 33.6524873,-116.8783337 33.6551143,-116.8780569 33.6591054,-116.8790387 33.6635456,-116.8792487 33.6694304,-116.8781162 33.6739506,-116.8758749 33.6774335,-116.8720674 33.680731,-116.8666074 33.683518,-116.8630026 33.683478,-116.8593112 33.6823275,-116.851372 33.679376,-116.8454857 33.6783057,-116.8433139 33.6784508),(-116.8603585 33.8716696,-116.8634204 33.8716679,-116.8675201 33.8716657,-116.8685762 33.8716651,-116.8718014 33.8716762,-116.8733579 33.8716815,-116.8770547 33.8716942,-116.8771735 33.8678077,-116.8707035 33.8679014,-116.8686601 33.8679309,-116.8687267 33.8649691,-116.868744 33.8641999,-116.8762389 33.8641664,-116.8765979 33.8641648,-116.8768194 33.864164,-116.877285 33.8641617,-116.8773446 33.8622128,-116.8775128 33.8567106,-116.8689118 33.8567346,-116.8602586 33.8567393,-116.8603089 33.864257,-116.8603585 33.8716696),(-116.6797027 33.5995572,-116.6793552 33.5995602,-116.6793543 33.5999532,-116.6793481 33.6027414,-116.6798192 33.602735,-116.6800214 33.6027322,-116.6811118 33.6027174,-116.6840496 33.6026774,-116.6887924 33.6026127,-116.6892783 33.6026061,-116.6924047 33.6025633,-116.6924056 33.6027447,-116.6924229 33.6062347,-116.6926741 33.606232,-116.7013627 33.6061387,-116.7013638 33.606492,-116.7013739 33.6097604,-116.7014592 33.6097599,-116.7053613 33.6097343,-116.7053614 33.6097454,-116.7054008 33.6137528,-116.7054334 33.6170696,-116.7141682 33.6169175,-116.7141659 33.6167877,-116.7141127 33.6137277,-116.7097989 33.6137402,-116.7097944 33.6060633,-116.7053674 33.6061359,-116.7052633 33.6024442,-116.705263 33.6024356,-116.7013512 33.6024579,-116.6969706 33.6024828,-116.6966941 33.6024844,-116.6966565 33.5992945,-116.6927617 33.5993565,-116.6927069 33.5993575,-116.6890319 33.5994266,-116.6883722 33.599439,-116.6883716 33.5992154,-116.6883632 33.5961806,-116.6883623 33.5958302,-116.6883622 33.5958108,-116.6840277 33.5958921,-116.6839669 33.5958932,-116.679693 33.5959296,-116.6797027 33.5995572)))

However it registers as valid and any attempt to backup and restore it seems to make it not output the SRID. So I'm trying to figure out how I can export it in its defective form for further examinations.

I can do a ST_Dump — and ST_Union process on it and it still remains defective (outputing the SRID in the ST_AsText).

However if I do:


Thatfixes it. Which I guess is why I have no luck exporting this monster without mutating it.

Attachments (1)

weird_poly.sql (30.2 KB ) - added by robe 13 years ago.

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Change History (26)

by robe, 13 years ago

Attachment: weird_poly.sql added

comment:1 by robe, 13 years ago

ahah — I was able to remutate it outside of my database by running these. So not sure if the issue is with ST_Dump or ST_Union except it seems to be fine in my PostGIS 2.0 database, but spits out this thing in my 1.5. Both are running GEOS 3.3.1

See attached table and query

-- no weirdness --
SELECT ST_AsText(geom) from weird_mpoly;

--it mutates into something scary --

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Union(geom))
FROM (SELECT (ST_Dump(geom)).geom
FROM weird_mpoly) As foo ;

Strk — remember that problem I was talking about and how it crashed my server and I couldn't figure out which set of data I was processing. I wonder if something like this was happening. This geometry is generated from the same process that caused the crashing I mentioned in ticket.

comment:2 by strk, 13 years ago

My bet is on ST_Union, ST_Dump is expected to leave the SRID in, ST_Union should drop the SRID from all components and add it to the result.

comment:3 by strk, 13 years ago

What does ST_Summary(ST_Union(…)) return ?

comment:4 by robe, 13 years ago

MultiPolygon[BS] with 6 elements
  Polygon[S] with 1 rings
   ring 0 has 201 points
  Polygon[] with 1 rings
   ring 0 has 213 points
  Polygon[] with 1 rings
   ring 0 has 25 points
  Polygon[] with 1 rings
   ring 0 has 78 points
  Polygon[] with 1 rings
   ring 0 has 81 points
  Polygon[] with 3 rings
   ring 0 has 284 points
   ring 1 has 22 points
   ring 2 has 46 points

comment:5 by robe, 13 years ago

The ST_Summary of the normal geometry (without the union (the regular one that doesn't have srid stuck in the ST_AsText output looks a little different). It returns

MultiPolygon[BS] with 6 elements
  Polygon[] with 1 rings
   ring 0 has 201 points
  Polygon[] with 1 rings
   ring 0 has 213 points
  Polygon[] with 1 rings
   ring 0 has 25 points
  Polygon[] with 1 rings
   ring 0 has 78 points
  Polygon[] with 1 rings
   ring 0 has 81 points
  Polygon[] with 3 rings
   ring 0 has 284 points
   ring 1 has 22 points
   ring 2 has 46 points

comment:6 by strk, 13 years ago

Milestone: PostGIS FuturePostGIS 1.5.4

Weird, I would have expected a srid only in the first element, not in the outer container too. Anyway you can see the problem is that the element of a collection has a srid value.

Ah, yes, probably ST_AsText, being an OGC function, stripped the SRID to avoid having it in the output. Most likely ST_AsEWKT will show the SRID in both the container _and_ the interior.

The bug is still in whatever constructed that geometry (ST_Union in this case).

comment:7 by robe, 13 years ago

Yes indeed: ST_AsEWKT of SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_Union(geom)) FROM (SELECT (ST_Dump(geom)).geom FROM weird_mpoly) As foo ;

SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(SRID=4326;((-116.9937666 33.4711291,-116.9936485 33.4698868,-116.992874 33.4689698,-116.9911977 33.4686095,-116.9889499 33.4689424,-116.9865345 33.4688388,-116.9849953 33.4684547,-116.9832575 33.4670819...

SELECT ST_AsEWKT(geom) from weird_mpoly; returns {{{ SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((-116.9937666 33.4711291,-116.9936485 33.4698868,-116.992874 33.4689698,-116.9911977 33.4686095


I'm not sure why it does it with just this geometry though. dump/union is something I do all the time and with even more complex sets and this has never happened to my knowledge. I spot checked some of my others and they look fine.

I fear this is something we introduced in 1.5.3, because like I said, I don't seem to be able to replicate it on my 1.5.2 install but can on a clean 1.5.3 install. Granted my 1.5.2 has gone thru many upgrades.

I'm not sure GEOS is the culprit or even Union since I am running GEOS 3.3.1 (wlel maybe GEOS 3.3.0 on my 1.5.2). I have to check.

I'm beginning to get suspicious of ST_Dump. I'll check if we made changes to that in 1.5.3

strk — are you able to replicate it on your end with a 1.5.3 the weird_mpoly.sql I attached. It oculd be a windows only issue.

I don't see the behavior in 2.0, but it could be camouflaged by the the changes we've made so may be lurking in a different form.

comment:8 by strk, 13 years ago

I'm talking about ST_Union the postgis side, not the geos side. Don't have time shortly to look at this, but I would go straight into the code to verify my theory.

comment:9 by strk, 13 years ago

I've no idea how to reproduce this bug. ST_Union seems to be safe on itself. Maybe that geometry ended up in your db _before_ a bug was fixed ?

comment:10 by robe, 13 years ago

I think it might be the dump not the st_union. Are you testing on 1.5.3? You don't see the behavior on 2.0.0.

Also note in the script I gave you, the actual generated table is fine. It after I run the combination of dump and union that things go get messed up. you also can't replicate this in 2.0.0. My 2.0.0 seems to behave correctly.

comment:11 by robe, 13 years ago

strk - FYI - just retired again on a1.5.3 database running the latest 3.3.2dev and I still get the same weird behavior. Now I fear it might be a windows only bug.

Do you have a 1.5 install? I haven't compiled 1.5.4svn to see if the problem is still there I'll try to do that later.

Make sure you are testing with the script I attached to this ticket

comment:12 by robe, 13 years ago

Keywords: windows 64-bit added

Okay I've isolated the problem even further. This is a very bizarre mystery that only seems to effect this geometry (there may be other geometries), PostGIS 1.5 (both .2,.3, and branch/1.5) and only shows up on PostgreSQL with PostGIS running on 64-bit windows. Strangely Windows 32-bit running 32-bit PostGIS does not show this behavior (I tested on a windows 2003 before as I mentioned, and just now tested on a windows 2008 32-bit windows against 1.5.2 and 1.5.4SVN). So it could be ST_AsText possibly how we are parsing something that 64-bit windows is sensitive to. Though why it would be different from original vs. when you dump reunion seems a little strange.

What I didn't notice before is that on Windows 64-bit (I've tested on Windows 7 and Windows 2008) which show this strange behavior. When I first looked at the text in PgAdmin — I thought nothing was there because the first line seems to contain some sort of line break in addition to the srid=4326. On the Windows 32-bit there is no line break.

comment:13 by robe, 13 years ago

forgot to add on the windows 2008 32-bit I just tested I also tested with GEOS 3.2.2 (which it had already installed), GEOS 3.3.2dev. All worked fine with 1.5.2 and 1.5.4. I'll assume 1.5.3 was fine too but didn't test that since my 64-bit testers failed on all 1.5 versions tested and all GEOS 3.3s tested. Note I was also using the same builds I had compiled on my 64-bit windows 7. So I think that rules out build as culprit.

comment:14 by pramsey, 13 years ago

Somehow you've created a geometry collection that has the SRID set on an interior geometry. Now, that's not supposed to happen, so when you push it through other, saner, processes the result gets washed away. And if you go into geography (or into PostGIS 2.0) where it's not even possible to represent such a thing in the serialization, the effect is guaranteed to disappear.

Since this problem is not actually a corruption of the geometry itself, just a slight breaking of representation rules, and because it gets washed away so easily, and because nobody else is likely going to be able to product it, I'd suggest closing as wontfix. If we're concerned about the AsText representation, we could leave this open and try to ensure that the WKT generator in 1.5 (which of course has been replaced in 2.0) doesn't output SRID information on subgeometries as a matter of policy. It won't fix the geometry, but it will hide the effect. If we're going to spend time farting around with 1.5 representation functions though, the bug in the WKB parser is far more pressing (the fact that malformed WKB can crash the backend is a pretty big problem, which unfortunately requires a pretty big solution).

comment:15 by robe, 13 years ago

Paul, I'm okay with closing this out as a wontfix, but fear it might be a sign of a bigger issue. The fact that it's not consistent across all platforms really bugs me as those often suggest not properly freeing memory.

I guess I'm more bothered about the fact that it's only windows 64-bit that seems to be able to do this not the windows 32-bit one (though I don't think we have tested Linux 64-bit bit). I've always taken it for granted that PostGIS 32-bit on 64-bit windows would behave exactly the same as PostGIS 32-bit on windows 32-bit since they would bothe be using 32-bit space.

This demonstrates it doesn't and I'm suspecting that the crashing in raster noted in #1066 might be a 32-bit vs. 64-bit windows issue too. Since Bborie can't reproduce the crash with my builds but I can on my 64-bit windows 7 desktop. I can only assume he is running windows xp 32-bit.

comment:16 by dustymugs, 13 years ago

I'll see about testing Windows again (Windows 7 64-bit with 32-bit PostGIS) once I'm done with my todo items by the code freeze.

comment:17 by robe, 13 years ago

Bborie, Thanks. I'll try the reverse test on my 32-bit to see if the raster crashing I am seeing does not exist on 32-bit/32-bit.

comment:18 by pramsey, 13 years ago

Voila, the small test case:

select st_summary(st_union(geom)) 
from (
 select (st_dump('SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0)),((4 4, 4 5, 5 5, 4 4)))'::geometry)).geom
) as foo;

Probably the union is the culprit, leaving an SRID intact on a subgeometry. This works for multipoly, but not multipoint, odd.

comment:19 by pramsey, 13 years ago

So this calls perhaps for two fixes… firstly to not put SRIDs on subgeometries in ST_Union() (problem in both 32 and 64 bit), secondly to not emit them if encountered in st_astext (64-bit problem only, odd).

comment:20 by strk, 13 years ago

Actually I can't reproduce the bug on my 32bit system with postgis 1.5.4SVN installed:

pgis15=# select st_summary(st_union(geom)) 
pgis15-# from (
pgis15(#  select (st_dump('SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0)),((4 4, 4 5, 5 5, 4 4)))'::geometry)).geom
pgis15(# ) as foo;
 MultiPolygon[BS] with 2 elements
   Polygon[] with 1 rings
    ring 0 has 4 points
   Polygon[] with 1 rings
    ring 0 has 4 points
(1 row)

Time manually review PG_FREE_IF_COPY calls ?

comment:21 by ipackham, 13 years ago

Cc: ipackham added

I have also seen this problem on my 64-bit Windows machine (running PostGis for 32-bit). The resulting geometries of an ST_Union has a misplaced SRID. This crashes QGIS when it tries to load from the table. If I backup the table and restore it, the strange SRID is gone, so PostGIS seems to be able to fix it, but QGIS can't. Also look similar to a problem in QGIS mentioned a while ago:

I can supply a dump of my geometries that, after running an ST_Union creates the weird geometries, let me know if (how?) you want these. I see a work around above using bytea, which I will try, but would like to know if this fix will be in v1.5.4 or is it already fixed in v2.0 for Windows?

comment:22 by strk, 13 years ago

ipackham: please test 1.5.4SVN and let us know if the problem persists. I couldn't reproduce it.

comment:23 by ipackham, 13 years ago

Hi Strk

I have not managed to install 1.5.4SVN on Windows. Any hints on how to do this? (I have tried MSYS and CygWin, but after running ./configure both say "no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH" - calling $PATH I get the message "…C/Program: No such file or directory")

In the meantime I have confirmed that after running the same SQL script, the strange geometries do not seem to be present in PostGIS 2.0, and QGIS loads the table OK.

In version 1.5.3 I think I have a workaround (SQL version) using ST_AsBinary on the geomeries before ST_Union, then adding back in the SRID. Something like

SELECT b.code, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_Union(ST_Intersection(st_AsBinary(a.the_geom),st_AsBinary(b.the_geom))), SRID), SRID) as inters_geom 
from table1 a, table2 b 
where a.the_geom && b.the_geom
and ST_Intersects(a.the_geom,b.the_geom)
group by b.code;

Funnily enough, if you replace ST_AsBinary with ST_AsText, this also works. So there is probably something strange in the original geometries that cause ST_Intersection or ST_Union to behave like this.

comment:24 by strk, 13 years ago

Ah, ok, it's the small test paul provided showing it clearly:

select st_summary(st_union(geom)) 
from (
 select (st_dump('SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0)),((4 4, 4 5, 5 5, 4 4)))'::geometry)).geom
) as foo;

Still happens as of 1.5.4SVN. Culprit is ST_Union. Any system is affected, not only windows.

comment:25 by pramsey, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed at r9671

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