

04:13 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by dkastl
Adds FOSS4G Oceania 2018, Melbourne (diff)


18:42 JNB_Notes edited by darkblueb
12:46 WikiStart edited by camerons
11:25 JNB_Notes edited by darkblueb
11:24 JNB_Notes edited by darkblueb
11:21 Jupyter edited by darkblueb
11:17 JNB_Notes edited by darkblueb
11:15 JNB_Notes edited by darkblueb
11:05 JNB_Notes edited by darkblueb
11:03 JNB_Notes edited by darkblueb
11:00 JNB_Notes edited by darkblueb
10:54 JNB_Notes edited by darkblueb
10:45 Jupyter edited by darkblueb
10:44 Jupyter edited by darkblueb
10:41 Jupyter edited by darkblueb
10:29 Jupyter edited by darkblueb
10:27 Jupyter edited by darkblueb
10:16 Jupyter edited by darkblueb
10:14 Jupyter created by darkblueb
new today
10:14 JNB_Notes created by darkblueb


17:43 WikiStart edited by camerons


16:53 Ticket #2131 (python rtree and libspatialindex_c missing) created by darkblueb
on osgeolive12 python, package rtree is not installed; secondly …
16:35 Ticket #2130 (python networkx missing shortest_paths) created by darkblueb
in osgeolive12 install of networkx


21:31 Ticket #2129 (Automatically building, testing and deploying-the docs with travis and ...) created by bakaniko
I found this link recently about automaticly build and deploy webpages …


03:36 OSGeoLive PSC edited by camerons


13:26 Ticket #2128 (GCI 2018) created by cvvergara
Info: https://developers.google.com/open-source/gci/timeline Tasks: …


10:15 Ticket #2127 (Jupyter Notebooks - IOOS) created by darkblueb
useful examples …


16:04 WikiStart edited by Ben Caradoc-Davies
16:02 Ticket #2126 (User "user" not in group "users" on OSGeoLive vmdk) created by Ben Caradoc-Davies
The user "user" is not a member of the "users" group on the OSGeoLive …


11:02 Ticket #2125 (problem with OSGeo Live 12 startup) closed by gfleming
fixed: thanks, this worked, just a small correction […]
02:09 Ticket #2125 (problem with OSGeo Live 12 startup) created by gfleming
possibly related to https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeolive/ticket/2074 I …
00:22 Ticket #998 (R demo portion fails, add more geo packages) closed by bakaniko
fixed: OSGeoLive PR 238 [1] and OSGeoLive 12.0 release add more spatial …
00:15 Ticket #2075 (R modules sp and sf) closed by bakaniko
fixed: PR 238 fixed that https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/pull/238


15:09 Press Release 83 edited by astrid_emde
14:49 Press Release 83 edited by astrid_emde
14:47 Press Release 83 edited by Jeff McKenna
14:45 Press Release 83 edited by Jeff McKenna
14:43 Press Release 83 edited by Jeff McKenna
14:42 Press Release 83 edited by Jeff McKenna
14:39 Press Release 83 edited by Jeff McKenna
add quote (diff)
13:14 Press Release 83 edited by kalxas
13:07 Press Release 83 edited by Ben Caradoc-Davies
09:48 Press Release 83 edited by astrid_emde
09:44 Press Release 83 edited by astrid_emde
typos - please notice OSGeoLive without - (diff)


03:49 Press Release 83 created by camerons
03:23 Press Releases edited by camerons


08:14 Ticket #2124 (Docs site update translators credits on sponsors pages) created by darkblueb
go to live.osgeo.org; click on sponsors; notice the list of …
08:11 Ticket #1986 (There is no more liveDVD distribution through torrent) closed by kalxas
08:10 Ticket #2106 (Ubuntu 18.04 user guide not available in pdf form) closed by kalxas
08:05 Ticket #833 (Redirect if the browser/window language is one of the supported) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed since we moved to transifex.
08:03 Ticket #2123 (Update QGIS to 3.x) created by kalxas
08:02 Ticket #2074 (blue screen xorg error: problems when starting Lubuntu 18.4. or ...) closed by kalxas
fixed: Could not replicate the issue on 12.0 vm version


04:26 Milestone OSGeoLive12.0 completed
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.