
Google Summer of Code 2013

Project Extend OSGeo4W Installer

Short description
Main goal for this project is develop functionalities in order to ask to the end users by an EULA license for proprietary libraries and building the majority of OSGeo components to x86-64 bits on Windows as well as improve the current OSGeo4W installer. See also here.

Student Name
Steve Ataucuri Cruz

Mentor Name
Frank Warmerdam

Work done in week 17-21 June

1. Work Done :

2. Problem Faced :

  • Definitely yes, some problems with the installation of Installer but are already solved, many times I needed to read a lot before changing a line of the code of setup installer.

3. Work to be done in the next week :

  • Next week I need to prepare the new windows dialog for new version of installer.
  • I will update the wiki of the project to build the new setup.

Work done in week 22-28 June

1. Work Done:

  • The main job done this week was integrated a new window dialog "license" with its class license which will download a license file from somewhere (before the community organize the license terms) ie: "" of every restrictive package.

2. Problems Faced :

  • It was a little difficult to understand the flow of window dialog and some classes of installer, I am still learning all the process into installer.
  • There was a bit problem with the first compilation of new installer with the new class, but it was resolved, I couldn't implement the download process I need more time but I will do it next week with some extra work.

3. Work to be done in the next week:

  • For two next weeks I will plan something to download a license from a main central repository or individual projects and install into local directory ie: /etc/licenses. I will finish the new license class to automation of every restrictive package like gdal-ecw.
Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on 07/14/13 06:48:27
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.