Opened 10 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#455 closed defect (outdated)

Driver conflicts FileGDB vs OpenFileGDB

Reported by: pelord Owned by: osgeo4w-dev@…
Priority: major Component: Package
Version: Keywords:


I use OSGEO4W online installer to manage my GDAL/OGR installation. I use a GDB 9.3 to test this issue, with a geometric layer.

When the ESRI FileGDB driver is not installed, the OpenFileGDB driver open correctly the GDB.

When I install ESRI FileGDB driver, this message is shown:

ogrinfo gdb93.gdb ERROR 1: Error: Failed to open Geodatabase (This release of the GeoDatabase? is e ither invalid or out of date.) ERROR 1: Error: Failed to open Geodatabase (This release of the GeoDatabase? is e ither invalid or out of date.) FAILURE: Unable to open datasource `gdb93.gdb' with the following drivers.

-> FileGDB -> ESRI Shapefile -> MapInfo? File


When the FileGDB driver is installed as a plugin, the actual, the order is actually OpenFileGDB and the FileGDB is not respected.

Change History (2)

by pelord, 10 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:1 by jef, 4 years ago

Resolution: outdated
Status: newclosed
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