Opened 15 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#143 closed task (fixed)

Modify first window of installer to specify 2 types of express installs

Reported by: jmckenna Owned by: hhayashi
Priority: major Component: Installer
Version: Keywords:
Cc: jmckenna, venkat, yjacolin


(to be outlined in an RFC and proposed to PSC)

Through feedback from users, we propose to change the opening window to have 3 options:

  • Express Desktop Install
  • Express Web-GIS Install
  • Advanced

The reasoning is that we've found that express/new users usually just want one or the other of desktop (QGIS, GRASS) or Web-GIS (MapServer, Apache) packages.

Change History (3)

by jmckenna, 15 years ago

Attachment: initial-window.PNG added

new opening interface options

comment:1 by yjacolin, 15 years ago

Cc: yjacolin added


This is a good idea. I would just add a note to inform the user the size required for the complete installation.



comment:2 by jef, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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