Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#94 closed task (fixed)

Mailing List for NAS converter development

Reported by: arnulf Owned by: warmerdam
Priority: blocker Milestone:
Component: SysAdmin Keywords: new mailing list
Cc: tmitchell


Hello, at the German language FOSSGIS conference 2007 ( a group of 30 individuals from several FOSS projects, companies and public administrations decided to start a workgroup for the development of a converter software. The German survey map format named NAS will be introduced in the next few years and a Free and Open Source Software converter will dramatically improve chances for a long list of FOSSGIS projects to be used in all aspects related to the cadastral base map (which in Germany is miraculously available almost to 100% with a precision of a few centimeters ((OK; admittedly in some places only several tens of meters))).

The project is in an early stage and now needs a home for a lot of dicussion from a very heterogenenous group of people from at least 5 FOSS projects (Java, Python, C++, more), 10 companies (the usual suspects plus some OS lurkers) and potentially hundreds of users from the public administraion, survey engineers, insurance companies, construction companies, real estate, etc. This will be a big thing in the next years!

To have the project take off in a somewhat coordinated manner this group of people plans to first discuss how to do it, find out what already is available and then potentially even raise funding throught the German Local Chapter legal entitiy GAV e.V.

Mind me, this is all in an early planning stage.

For this to happen a web page has been started in the OSGeo Wiki that will grow in the next weeks:

There is a list of participants of the workshop who showed interest in actively participating but before we send the link around so that people sign up to the list in the Wiki we want to have the mailing list ready so that people don't have to go there twice.

We suggest the name of the list to be: nas@…

I have filed a Trac ticket with blocker priority (sorry for that but I want to make sure it comes quickly).

Regards, Arnulf

Change History (2)

comment:1 by warmerdam, 17 years ago

Cc: tmitchell added; board@… removed
Owner: changed from tmitchell to warmerdam

I will take the task of creating the list. I have approved the initial message to the board list, but in general it does not accept emails with implicit destinations (as all trac email is setup) so I am dropping it from the cc: list.

comment:2 by warmerdam, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed


the list is created. I have set the usual admin password with you as administrator. Hopefully you know what that is. Actually, I'll email it seperately to be sure you do. Please visit the following url to set a meaningful short description and other details as you wish. You should also subscribe and send a test email to be sure everything is working properly.

I have taken the liberty of setting Deutsch as the default language for the list.

I'm tentatively closing this ticket, but feel free to reopen it if needed.

PS. If you let SAC tickets get assigned to sac@… there will be more SAC members who will see it immediately, giving a better chance of it being dealth with promptly. I just happened to notice the held-back post to the board list.

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