Opened 15 years ago

Closed 20 months ago

#633 closed enhancement (wontfix)

ods format allowance for uploading files to the wiki

Reported by: mmontesinos Owned by: sac@…
Priority: normal Milestone: Sysadmin Contract 2023-II
Component: SysAdmin Keywords: ods upload file format openoffice


I'm trying to upload a spredsheet with some perfomance test made. Although other OpenOffice are allowed (odt, odp or odg) are allowed, 'ods' is not.

I get the following warning message:

'".ods" is not a permitted file type. Permitted file types are png, jpg, jpeg, pdf, odp, odt, odg.'

I propose to allow the uploading of .ods OpenOffice file formats.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by neteler, 15 years ago

This seems to be the related documentation for enabling ODS:$wgFileExtensions

comment:2 by cvvergara, 20 months ago

Milestone: Sysadmin Contract 2023-II
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

This has been opened for 13 years, and no one else has asked for it.

Adding ods is no problem. It can be done quite fast

The question now is: is there a particular reason for not allowing ods upload to wiki?

From my point of view, it is not needed:

  • "Proof" is 13 years without it.
  • wiki has tables than can be sorted etc.

If there is a real need to upload ods, please reopen

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