Opened 8 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#1628 closed task (fixed) redirect

Reported by: gsteinmon Owned by: warmerdam
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: SysAdmin Keywords: sub-domain, foss4g, 2017


On Behalf of the FOSS4G Boston 2017 LOC, I would like to request that the sub-domain be pointed to our launch page here:

Based on the following documentation this should be able to happen with a CNAME records.

Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.

Guido Stein Co-Chair FOSS4G Boston 2017

Change History (9)

comment:1 by EliL, 8 years ago

Component: WebSiteSystems Admin
Owner: changed from webcom@… to sac@…

comment:2 by warmerdam, 8 years ago

Owner: changed from sac@… to warmerdam
Status: newassigned

comment:3 by warmerdam, 8 years ago


My understanding is that a CNAME can only point to another domain, not a sub-url within a domain. Our usual approach to this is point DNS at our main server, and then setup a redirect there though that isn't super ideal either. If you had a distinct top level github page that we could reference (ie. then we could use a CNAME.

If you would still like to point to the suburl let me know, and I'll try to setup the redirect approach.

(Note, if you control the remote server such that you can do web server level redirecting, I could also just point at your server with an A record, and you could handle the name as desired, but I don't think that is possible with github pages).

comment:4 by gsteinmon, 8 years ago

Is this url helpful for what you are saying?

I have also added a url

I have also added a cname that is waiting to be pushed with the following details: www CNAME

I think you should be able to do that CNAME as well for 2017 in your dns records.

This is not my forte, so I hope you can help me resolve this ASAP.


comment:5 by gsteinmon, 8 years ago


I think I figured it out.

If you use the following you should be able to point the cname correctly:

2017 CNAME

I have set the cname record on the github side of things to match this and I hope this will work.


comment:6 by gsteinmon, 8 years ago

or you could use an a record as well, either should work

comment:7 by gsteinmon, 8 years ago

A record

comment:8 by warmerdam, 8 years ago

Guido, I have setup an A record pointing at which is the IP number I got by pinging

Sweet - it seems to be working already for me!

comment:9 by TemptorSent, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

This ticket appears to have been resolved, closing.

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